Magical Story Telling Session!

Families Together and CYPSP Fermanagh Locality Planning Group explain the importance of reading to children - Dec 2012

The Westville Family Resources Centre has for many years coordinated Families Together across Enniskillen with parent and child sessions run throughout the week to encourage families to make friends, play, have fun and learn together. Recently Enniskillen Neighbourhood Renewal has supported a session of Families Together in the newly opened West End Communities Centre. Many families who live in the West of the town are now attending the group and having fun together.

On Friday 14th December 2012 at the West End Communities Centre, there was a magical story telling event with Story Teller, Anne Chappell sharing festive stories and songs with the children and parents.

At the event the Fermanagh Locality Planning Group launched the Infant Mental Health Strategy’s five key things to do for your child to improve their later life outcomes. One of the five key messages hopes to encourage parents and grandparents to read to their children as a way to be close to each other and learn at the same time.

At the event families were encouraged to think about buying books as presents, instead of the usual toys, and to help with this ‘The Works’ a local book shop has kindly donated vouchers to help families purchase books.

CYPSP facilitate the Magical Story Telling Event Dec 2012

As a special Christmas gift all the children were presented with an educational development stage book by Families Together, as a small token to say thank you for attending the group all year, this book will be able to be shared and enjoyed by all the family over the holidays.

Parents get involved at the Magical Story Telling event in Enniskillen - Dec 2012

Thanks to the Families That Attend the West End Communities Centre and Families Together For Allowing Us to Visit and Share Their Event.

  • For More Information:
  • The Best Start In Life – Debbie Hunter 028 71865127
  • Fermanagh Locality Planning Group – Priscilla Magee
    028 66324181
  • Families Together – Doreen Mullan 028 66320290