New Parents Page Launched on CYPSP Website

Following a number of workshops that were held during September with parents to design a new parents section on the CYPSP website, a small launch event was held on Monday 19th October with Kilcooley Womens Group.  The section has been developed in a user friendly format, taking on board the discussions that took place at the previous consultations, incorporating more visuals rather than lots of narrative.

Features include:-

A brief introduction to the children and young people’s strategic partnership.

  • A search function linking to family support ni for all family support and child care services across northern Ireland.
  • How to get involved if parents wish to contribute.
  • Top tips for parenting teenagers
  • Family activities and places to go
  • Parenting Ni parenting forum
  • Questions and Answers section
  • News and events
  • Helplines and Apps
  • Survey section
  • Events and Training
  • Contact details

The direct web address for the new Parents Page is