Promoting Earlier Intervention and Prevention

Two significant opportunities arose in December to highlight the importance of early intervention and showcase the work of CYPSP and Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP).

The work of CYPSP and EITP in promoting earlier intervention and prevention was highlighted to European delegates attending the Galway International Winter School “Child Rights in Practice and Research-Realising Children’s Rights through Empowering Parents and Families”. Hosted by the Child and Family Research Centre in NUI Galway the conference was organised by Eurochild, in cooperation with Unesco Chairs Global Network, Council of Europe and Unicef Office of Research and was held in Galway on 1-4 December. Delegates from 17 European countries including academics, researchers, Government representatives and practitioners heard presentations from a range of international academics and researchers (

Each participating country had the opportunity to present on significant developments in their jurisdiction and the input from Ireland included both CYPSP and EITP. The input from Ireland included the work of TUSLA, the Irish Child and Family Support Agency. There are a number of areas of common interest to both TUSLA and CYPSP and a developing collaboration around evaluation has had several meetings

On the 10 December delegates at the 4th annual conference of the Children’s Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland heard about the work of CYPSP during one of the keynote addresses. The centrality of the information system to the understanding of need and monitoring of progress against the high level outcomes was a key part of the presentation (

The conference was entitled Better Outcomes for Children: Are we there yet? (