Care for the Family Parent Resources

Parentalk the Primary Years & Parentalk the Teenage Years

DVD courses for use with groups in community settings that give parents the opportunity to share their own experiences, learn from each other and explore some essential parenting principles. A full pack containing 10 handbooks, a leader’s guide and DVD are available now available for organisations.

Time Out for Parents: Children with Special Needs Course

Care for the Family is offering this course from  January 2017 to support families meet their children’s needs. The sessions are written by parents and professionals with experiences of children with special needs. Sessions titles are available at

Target Age: 3 to 11 years with a disability or special needs, particularly those who have  learning, developmental and behavioural issues.

Parent Podcasts

Care for the Family have release two podcasts; Parentalk in the Primary Years and Raising Teens – Listen hear

For more information or detail on how to purchase the Parenting Resources click here.


Ballymena Youth Fair encourages Young People to make positive life choices

Over 650 year 11 pupils in the Ballymena area attended the Annual Youth Fair this week.  The focus of this year’s fair was on Mental Health, raising awareness of support and emotional wellbeing services available as well as to encourage young people to make positive choices in their lives.  Veronica McKinley, NICHI Project, North Antrim Community Network said, “This Youth Fair is a great opportunity for a range of services to provide information and raise awareness on health issues to young people attending post primary schools in the Ballymena area”.  

Click here for more information.

Launch of the CYPSP Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group

The Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group was launched on 25 October 2016 in the Ards Community Network.The locality group is made up of a broad range of over 20 community, statutory and voluntary organisations including Healthy Living Centres, Barnardo’s, Ards Community Network, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and Police Service Northern Ireland. All locality members are committed to improving outcomes for children and young people through a multi-agency planning approach. Read more.

Ballymena Youth Fair

This year the Ballymena Youth Fair will take place on Tuesday 8th November from 9am – 1.30pm in Ballymena North Business & Recreation Centre Ballymena.

This will be an excellent opportunity to showcase your work to 700+ young people attending from the 7 local post primary schools in Ballymena.

We would like to invite your organisation to participate in this Youth Fair and provide an information stand/visual aids – if you are available please complete the reply slip and return to Gemma Lutton as soon as possible. Please share this information to anyone covering the Ballymena area who you feel may also be interested in exhibiting at this event.

Download reply slip here