Development of the next Children and Young People’s Strategy

Our online survey seeking the views of children and young people closed on 17 June 2016 with over 300 responses received. Analysis of the responses has now begun and will inform the direction of travel as we continue to work on the development of the next Strategy. Thank you to all those who took part and to those who encouraged others to do the same, your input will be very useful.

We have continued to meet and consult with a wide range of stakeholders and are now in the process of analysing all the information we have received to date. The various issues raised in these meetings are being used to develop potential outcomes for the strategy and also the indicators which will allow us to measure how we are delivering on these outcomes and addressing these issues…Read more

Summer Survival Guide for Families

This summer Care for the Family are offering a free weekly email service for parents to help them survive the summer.   Perhaps you could circulate it to all members to share with their contacts.  This again is a free service and supports parents without them having to leave home.
The guide will be in the form of 6 weekly emails to sign up for.  It will provide ideas and inspiration to help parents avoid a stressful summer and help make it more memorable.  It will contain articles, videos and tips – suitable for parent’s right up to teenagers and emails begin on 27 June for NI parents. Call us: 028 926 280 50

Sign up today at:

Have Your Say on the next Children and Young People’s Strategy

The Northern Ireland (NI) Executive is working towards developing the next strategy for Children and Young People (CYP) which will outline key issues for all children and young people in NI with actions set out for how government intends to address these.  It is an overarching strategy for children and young people in NI with the vision for all CYP to have a better quality of life.  As well as this the new Families Matter strategy is also being reviewed and this sets out the vision for improving support  and services for parents, families and children.

The survey is anonymous so please feel free to be as honest as you can be in your feedback. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and is completely voluntary – if you don’t want to answer a question, you can skip to the next one or you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

This survey will close at 5pm on Thursday  7th July. If you have questions about the survey itself, please contact Lauren by email or phone 02890 310891.

To start the survey, please click on the link below.

Invitation to Department for Communities Stakeholder Engagement Event – Thursday 30th June 2016

You are invited to a Department for Communities (DfC) Stakeholder Engagement Event on Thursday 30th June at Craigavon Civic and Conference Centre.  Registration will be from 9.30am and the event will take place between 10am – 12 noon.


This event is an opportunity to have your views heard on the draft Programme for Government and, in particular, the issues and outcomes specifically relating to the work of the Department for Communities.  The Department are keen for you to be involved in how they can best work collaboratively in delivering priorities.

If you wish to attend please (click on the link) register to reserve a place by Wednesday 22nd June.  While places are limited, please feel free to share this invitation with any delivery partners or other stakeholders who may be interested in participating.

For more information please click on the link below:

Invitation to Department for Communities Stakeholder Engagement Event