Women’s Aid : Impact Statement

Women’s Aid is committed to the continuous improvement and development of children and young people’s services and has produced a five-year strategy Our Place – Safe Space (2012 – 2017). Through delivery of this strategy Women’s Aid have engaged a total of 824 teachers representing 435 schools (50% of primary schools across NI) in training on personal safety in education settings via the Helping Hands programme.Click here to read more.

Keeping pupils safe-Ballymena Pastoral Care Event

CYPSP Ballymena LPG in partnership with Ballymena Learning Together (BLT) held a Pastoral Care Event in Cambridge House Grammar School in June 2016. The event was attended by teachers and pastoral care support staff from all 9 post primary schools across the northern locality area. The purpose of the pastoral care event was to raise awareness of the vulnerabilities faced by our young people today including self-harm and keeping safe online. The event also enabled organisations to network and share information about services available and how teachers and staff can refer young people for help. Click here to read more.

Circle of Hope Event-Thursday 23rd June

You are invited to the Colin Domestic Violence Forum’s ‘Circle of Hope Event’. Join us and stand together to say No to Domestic Violence.

Taking place on Thursday 23rd June, at the Leap of Faith sculpture, Stewartstown Road, Belfast, 10.45am-12.00noon. Everyone welcome.

Guest speaker: MLA Jennifer McCann

Light refreshments provided in Housing Executive Offices.

Official invite attached. For more information please contact Footprints Women’s Centre, Poleglass on 02890923444.


CYPSP Information Showcase

CYPSP Information Showcase

The CYPSP Information team have had a busy month, travelling to Dublin to showcase the Interactive Mapping System for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland.  Firstly the mapping system was showcased at the TUSLA/DCYA Outcomes for Children Information and Data Hub Project Workshop on 10 May 2016, to representatives from TUSLA, Department of Children and Youth Affairs Ireland and Departments of Public Health… Read more