Working with LGBTQ Youth – Inclusive Approaches Training- Friday 26th February 2016

With increased legislative protection and greater visibility of LGBTQ people in
society one might consider discrimination, inequalities and social exclusion to be
problems relegated to the past. Despite many advances however, research
continues to illustrate the issues that young people face as a result of their sexual
and gender identities women, and doctoral research focusing on the experiences of young women
growing up and ‘coming out’ in Northern Ireland, this one-day workshop will –
• Consider the appropriateness of various gender and sexual identities
• Provide a brief overview of recent legislation designed to ensure equality.
• Consider the impact of discrimination and exclusion on young people.
• Provide sign posting to relevant organisations, programmes and resources.…Read more

Carrickfergus Youth Fair – 9th February 2016

Carrickfergus Locality Planning Group would like to invite organisations to the Carrickfergus Youth Fair on the 9th February 2016 from 9.15am- 3.30pm at Oakfield Community Centre, Oakfield Drive, Carrickfergus.

If your organisation provides services to young people in the Carrickfergus area we would like to invite you to take part in a Youth Fair focused on positive choices and social media. This event is a chance to showcase your service to all 15 -16 year olds attending the 4 local Post Primary Schools. For more information please contact Gemma Lutton on 028 2563 6615 … Read more

Come Walk in My Shoes Event – 7 March 2016

Across Northern Ireland thousands of young LGB&T young people challenge prejudice by simply walking out their front door, and by doing so they challenge society to promote their inclusion. Some of these young people are inviting you to walk in their shoes just for one night. This walkthrough event hosted at the interactive RADAR Centre (designed specifically for those who work with Children & Young People) will challenge you to place yourself outside of the gender binary, or outside heteronormative structures and see the world through different eyes … Read more