Building resilience of young people in schools in the Ards and North Down

Barnardo’s NI in partnership with the CYPSP Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust hosted a one day training workshop on the Botvin Life Skills Programme to support teachers to build the resilience of their young people in the classroom.

Lauren Spiers, Barnardo’s Facilitator spoke from the programme and said “LifeSkills is a highly evidence based, universal programme that improves children’s emotional health and wellbeing within the classroom setting. On 23 August teachers within the North Down and Ards area completed the  Botvin LifeSkills training in Bloomfield Primary School. Teachers in primary 5, 6 and 7 learned the core components behind the programme’s success and how to effectively implement LifeSkills within their school. A benefit of the programme is that it can clearly demonstrate the impact the programme is having with regards to children’s skills, knowledge and attitude.

83% of participants reported that the training was excellent and enhanced their understanding of LifeSkills and the importance of building a resilient classroom

Click here to download the Botvin Life Skills Training report card


Contact Us:

If you would like to find out more about this programme or the work of the Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group please contact Noelle Hollywood, Community Health Development Practitioner, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust by email at 


I Don’t Know How I Got Here – Seminar on Coercive Control for Practitioners


The Fermanagh and Omagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership in collaboration with the Western Domestic & Sexual Violence Partnership are hosting a half day seminar that seeks to increase understanding of coercive control for practitioners.


The seminar entitled I don’t know how I got here! addresses the context and impact of coercive control in domestic and sexual abuse. Facilitated by knowledgeable and experienced practitioners working in the field of domestic and sexual violence.  The seminar offers perspectives on how a relationship underpinned by coercive control strategies adversely affects victims and survivor’s health, well-being and autonomy.


 The seminar is aimed at policy influencers and practitioners and seeks to:

  • consider what do we mean by coercive control
  • explore how practitioners can understand impact and identify indicators
  • consider the context of coercive control for risk assessment, safety planning and action for all including the victim/survivors and those seeking to support them.
  • explore the implications of different perspectives of coercive control behaviour on help-seeking
  • provide an update on the introduction of coercive control legislation in Northern Ireland.


The seminar will take place on Tuesday 9th October 2018 at The Tara Centre, 11 Holmview Avenue, Omagh BT79 0AH commencing with registration at 9.30am and concluding with a light lunch at 1.00pm. There is very limited parking at the back of the Tara Centre. Other car parks within walking distance include Drumragh Avenue, Campsie Road and Market Place.


To book your place please contact Paula Sheerin, Fermanagh and Omagh PCSP


T:            0300 303 1777 ext. 21629


Places are limited, and early booking is advisable, please indicate if you have any dietary requirements.


Ards and North Down Family Support Networking Event

The CYPSP Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group and the South Eastern Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team / Connections Service would like to invite you along to the Ards and North Down Networking event, between children and family support services and drug and alcohol service providers on 27 September 2018.


Event Details

Date: 27 September 2018

Time: 9.30am-12.30pm

Venue: Newtownards Arts Centre, Town Hall, Conway Square, Newtownards


This will be an opportunity to network , enjoy local hospitality, find out about services available locally in the Ards and North Down Sector, and how we can work better to respond to childhood/family adversity.


Click here to download the programme for the networking event


How to register

This is a FREE event. If you would like to attend and/or host an information stand please register your details as soon as possible with Noelle Hollywood by email at or Marty McCann by email at


Seminar: Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Trauma Informed Approach to Early Years

The Northern Ireland Regional ACE Reference Group will host a seminar on Adverse Childhood Experiences as a side event for the WHO International Healthy Cities Conference to be held in Belfast from 1-4th October 2018.

This event will explore policy and early intervention implementation implications (as well as actions to date) for Northern Ireland and Scotland to date linked to the increasing body of international research identifying the long-term harms that can result from chronic stress during childhood.


Event details:

1 October 2018


Belfast Central Library 

Click here to download the programme for the seminar


What are ACEs?

Children who are routinely exposed to situations such as domestic violence, mental ill health, alcohol and other substance misuse problems in their homes experience a negative impact which can last well into adulthood. These chronic stress situations are called Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and are often associated with poorer outcomes for children in educational attainment, employment, involvement in crime, family breakdown, and a range of health and wellbeing measures.



This event is aimed at those who are interested in the policy and practice implications for developing an ACE aware society.


How to register

This is a FREE event however booking is essential as places are limited. If you would like to attend this seminar book your place by clicking here 


Giving children the best start in life in the West

The CYPSP Fermanagh & Omagh Locality Planning Groups in partnership with Family Support Hubs: Western Domestic & Sexual Violence Partnership and Digital Safeguarding Group have been raising awareness of the impacts of ACE’s across the locality through a recent screening of the Resilience Documentary. 60 individuals from across the community, voluntary and statutory sector attended the event.

Click here to read more out the Fermanagh and Omagh Resilience Screening Event


Infant Mental Health Week 2018 in the Western Outcomes Group Area 

The Fermanagh and Omagh Locality Planning Groups celebrated Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2018 by highlighting the excellent evidence-based practice of its members and learning more about the people that lead in this practice.. A series of key messages were endorsed and celebrated across the Western Outcomes Area as part of the infant mental health awareness week campaign for 2018.

To find out more about the Western Area Infant Mental Health Campaign that took place during the month of June 2018 click here 


Contact Us:

To find out more about this work in the Fermanagh and Omagh Areas please contact Priscilla Magee, Western Area Locality Planning Officer by email at