Having Effective Conversations Training

The Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group in partnership with the SE Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team will host a 2-day workshop on ‘Having Effective Conversations’. The workshops will prepare family support staff to engage  parents and offer brief advice about managing change. It will also explore the challenges of raising difficult topics with clients and dealing with the reaction that can follow. 


Training Details:

Workshop 1: 20 June 2018click here to download the programme

Workshop 2: 26 June 2018click here to download the programme


Additional Information

Both training workshops will take place in Ards Community Network, Newtownards.

Note: Places are limited to staff working in the Ards and North Down sector in first instance. Registration is essential. The deadline for registration is 31 May 2018.


Contact Us:

If you would like to find out more about this training or to register please email Julie Bickerstaff by email at julie.bickerstaff@barnardos.org.uk 


Making Sense of Autism in Northern Ireland


Autism NI in partnership with the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) hosted a series of family fun days across Northern Ireland this month to raise awareness of Autism in the classroom, workplace and local community during World Autism Awareness Month, April 2018.

Five ‘Making Sense of Autism’ family events took place throughout Northern Ireland and were been organised by local Autism NI volunteer support groups from the Armagh, Bangor, Dungannon, Lisburn and Newry areas.

The family events took place in Belfast, Derry/Londonderry, Ballymena, Enniskillen and Lisburn and provided an opportunity for local families to come together and enjoy a day of interactive activities along with a health and information fair.


One parent shared with us some feedback since attending the Derry/Londonderry family fun day event “I attended the Autism NI Fun Day on Saturday with my son as he is undergoing screening at the minute, and it was absolutely fantastic.  To a newbie like me, it was welcoming, comforting and great fun.  A very special thank you for arranging the event. Meeting and chatting to parents who are a little further on in their journey was such a help to get some of our many questions answered, I slept like a log for the first time in a long time on Saturday night!”.


Autism NI supports individuals and their families living with the daily challenges of Autism to become integrated and valued members of the community, and to celebrate World Autism Awareness Month this April the charity will be hosting a series of ‘Making Sense of Autism’ family events to help local communities across Northern Ireland understand Autism and enjoy a fun free interactive kids zone and health fair.


Autism NI CEO Kerry Boyd said: “These events have been in the planning stages for months and it has been absolutely wonderful to see so many families coming together to help us raise awareness for Autism. “As a charity I am delighted that we have been able to support our families through a fun, interactive and informative day. The health fairs gave so many parents an opportunity to gain vital information about support services available within their local area and it was great to see our children playing together and enjoying all the fun interactive activities on offer. “I would also like to thank all the dignitaries that attended showing their support of Autism NI and the Autism community in Northern Ireland.”


The Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) coordinated the health and information zones at each of the family events. A range of community, voluntary and statutory agencies attended each event to offer advice and information on health and wellbeing and promote family support services and programmes available to parents, carers, children, young people and families in local communities and across Northern Ireland.


For further information about the ‘Making Sense of Autism’ campaign or for further information on the support groups contact 028 9040 1729 or visit www.autismni.org or the Love Belfast publication https://lovebelfast.co.uk/autism-nis-family-fun-days/


Family and Parenting Strategy Update, April 2018


On 11 April 2018, the Department of Health hosted an event at Crumlin Road Gaol to seek initial views on the Family and Parenting Support Strategy.  This new Strategy, which led by DoH on behalf of all government departments, will build on the strengths of Families Matter and reflect lessons learned from more recent developments such as the family support hubs and the EITP.

The workshop involved representatives from a range of organisations including government departments, statutory organisations and the third sector.  The primary goal was to create a space to enable the Department to work alongside attendees and draw from their experience, expertise and knowledge to help shape the new Strategy.  

Delegates were invited to discuss the evidence base, outcomes in both the short and longer term, and to identify priority groups or needs.  There was also discussion regarding the six proposed themes for the Strategy:

  • Doing it early – a commitment to early intervention;
  • Doing it well – focus on achieving the best outcomes for that particular family;
  • Doing what works – using evidence based/informed interventions;
  • Doing it together – a commitment to partnership working;
  • Doing it with not to parents – using co-production;
  • Helping parents to do it for themselves – promoting empowerment and building resilience.

The Department was greatly encouraged by the positive engagement of delegates, and the constructive comments and feedback provided.  Work is now underway to analyse and consider the comments and feedback.

The next steps in progressing the Strategy will include identifying key learning from the event, and considering how best this can be reflected as the Strategy is developed.  The Department will also be strengthening the links across the Departments, and engaging with parents/caregivers and families. 


Contact Us:

If you have ideas on how the Department can work together with families, or have other comments on the Strategy, please contact the team at familysupport.strategy@health-ni.gov.uk.


Responding to childhood adversity in South Eastern Outcomes Area

Over 100 representatives from the community, voluntary and statutory sector including Departmental staff attending the recent Partnerships Conference to explore how the South Eastern area are responding to adverse Childhood Experiences. CYPSP Chair Hugh McCaughey (CEO, SEHSCT) spoke from the event and said “we can no longer work in silos, we get better results when we work together”.

A range of partnerships working across the South Eastern Outcomes Area presented on how they are responding to childhood adversity across the area. See below for the presentations:


Part 1: What are ACEs?

The Role of the ChildCare Partnership and the importance of Early Years – Evelyn Curran, CCP/HSCB – click here


Part 2: Emerging Trends of ACEs

The First 1000 Days – Julia Lewis, SEHSCT –  click here

The impact of Drugs, Alcohol and Parental Mental Health Issues – Ed Sipler, SEHSCT – click here

The impacts of Domestic and Sexual Violence on Children and Young People – Dympna McKeown, Belfast and Lisburn Women’s Aid – click here


Part 3: What are we doing about ACEs?

Early Intervention Transformation Programme – What Works? – Maurice Meehan, PHA – click here

Family Support Hubs and Early Intervention in Practice – Roberta Marshall, Barnardos – click here

Locality Planning in the South Eastern Area – Cathy Polley, Ards Community Network – click here

An Overview of the PCSPs – Catherine Pollock, NI Policing Board – click here

The Role of the Multi Disciplinary Support Hub – Mark Peters, PSNI – click here


Part 4: Moving Forward

CYPSP, A Regional Perspective – Maurice Leeson, CYPSP / HSCB – click here

CYPSP South Eastern Outcomes Group – Brendan Whittle, WHSCT – click here

Community Planning and the Opportunities of the Children’s Services Co-Operation Act NI (2015) – Liam Hannaway, NMDDC – click here

The Role of the Safeguarding Board for NI – Helen McKenzie, SBNI –  click here

The Role of the South Eastern Safeguarding Panel, Yvonne Adair, Independent Chair of SBNI – click here


Contact Us:

For more information please contact Stephanie Thompson, CYPSP by email at stephanie.thompson@hscni.net or telephone 02895 363 188



Building Resilient Communities in the Western Outcomes Area

Last month the Western Outcomes Group with partners hosted the Building Resilient Communities Conference to create an awareness of ACEs and their impact on childhood, share good practice nationally and locally and explore the mechanisms to create resilient communities in the western outcomes area.


A series of guest speakers supported the conference. The presentations can be accessed through the links below:

Kieran Downey, WHSCT – CYPSP Western Outcomes Group & Western LCG – click here

Nicola Doherty, WHSCT – The Very Beginning – click here

Karen Kirby, UU – The Hopeful Mind Project – click here

Ann McDuff, WHSCT – Pioneer Communities – click here

Carmel McPeake – CAWT MACE Project – click here


Contact Us:

For further information please contact Bronagh Donnelly, Locality Planning Officer in the Western Outcomes Area by email at bronagh.donnelly@hscni.net