Wake up to Mental Health Breakfast Seminar, 15 March


Youth Action with partners will host a breakfast seminar ‘Wake up to Mental Health’ on 15 March for practitioners. The seminar aims to promote youth work as an effective vehicle to build mental health through Lifemaps.

The seminar has been funded through the EA Youth Outreach Initiative with partners, BYTES, Northern Ireland Youth Forum and Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster.

Through sharing practice and connecting policy priorities Youth Action with partners seek that from the seminar to agree joint actions to improve young people’s health and well-being.


Details of the event:

Date: 15 March 2018

Time: 8.00am – 10.00am

Venue: Youth Action, CSN Belfast


How to register

RSVP to shirley@youthaction.org by Friday 9 March 2018


NI Maternal Mental Health Conference, May 2018


The National Childbirth Trust in partnership with Sure Start, Moment.Health and PANGS NI will host a one day conference on Maternal Mental Health and are inviting health professionals along, in particular those on the front line providing services to mothers suffering with a perinatal mental illness. 

The conference will be an insightful and informative day with speakers from a variety of backgrounds including our keynote speaker Professor Siobhan O’Neill from the University of Ulster who will be speaking about the long term impact of perinatal mental illness on children.


Click here to download the conference invitation


Event Details:

Date: 3 May 2018

Time: 9.00-16.00

Venue: Riddell Hall, QUB, Belfast


How to book a place:

Booking a place at the conference is essential. There is a cost of £20 per ticket. The conference hosts will offer the first 50 delegates a reduced rate using the promo code MMHMATTERS when booking tickets. To book your tickets please click here 


South Eastern Partnerships Conference, April 2018

The South Eastern Partnerships Conference will bring together colleagues from across the South Eastern Outcomes Area to explore the wealth of partnerships contributing to improving outcomes for vulnerable children and young people and responding to childhood adversity across the area.


The conference, hosted by the CYPSP South Eastern Outcomes Group and South Eastern Safeguarding Panel, will be an opportunity for partnerships working across the South Eastern Outcomes Area to showcase how they are responding to childhood adversity. 


RESILIENCE is the award winning film that is helping the world wake up to the far reaching impact of childhood trauma on children, communities and society.
At the conference the South Eastern Child Care Partnership will provide an introduction to the Child Care Partnerships and the importance of early years. This will be followed by a screening of the award winning RESILIENCE documentary film.


Click here to download the South Eastern Partnerships Conference invitation 


How to Register:

Booking is essential as places are limited. Priority will be given to organisations working in the South Eastern Area in first instance. If you would like to attend the South Eastern Partnerships Conference please email Loraine Crossett, SEHSCT to expression your interest no later than 30 March 2018.

Email: loraine.crossett@setrust.hscni.net 


Family and Parenting Support Strategy Workshop, April 2018


A new Family and Parenting Support Strategy, to build on the strengths of the existing ‘Families Matter’ strategy and to respond to the draft Programme for Government commitment to give every child the best start in life, is being developed by the Department of Health, with the support of other government Departments.   


A full day workshop will be held in Crumlin Road Gaol on Wednesday 11 April 2018 to seek stakeholder input on the development of the Strategy.   This will present a key opportunity to jointly determine the focus of the Strategy and to share evidence on what challenges are faced by families across Northern Ireland and evidence on how families can best be supported. 


If would like to invite you to register your interest in attending the Family and Parenting Support Strategy workshop by emailing FCPDadmin@health-ni.gov.uk with a note of your name, email address, job title and organisation.   This should be received by Wednesday 21st February 2018.  You are welcome to circulate this invitation to colleagues who may also wish to register.


Please note that registration of interest does not guarantee allocation of a place at the event.  Invitations and details for the Workshop will be issued in due course.



Autism NI Family Fun Days, April 2018


Autism NI will host a series of family fun days across Northern Ireland in April 2018 as part of World Autism Awareness Month. These events will be an opportunity for all families to find out more about autism and get involved in a range of fun FREE activities including face painting, a bouncy castle and interactive kids zone.

Parents will also be able to find out more about health, well-being and support services available to them and their families at the health information fairs that will be present at each event.

The events will take place on 14 April and 21 April 2018. Further information can be found on the event flyer. Click here to download the Family Fun Days flyer


Contact Us:

For more information contact Autism NI by telephone at 028 90 401 729 or email info@autismni.org