Craigavon Locality Planning Group Launch / Stakeholder Event

Craigavon Locality Planning Group Launch / Stakeholder Event

June 2014

The new Craigavon Locality Planning group will involve frontline staff from all organisations across the statutory, voluntary and community sectors in the local area, together with children, young people and families.  The organisations bring their knowledge of their services, especially early intervention supports and services.

Craigavon locality planning group will draw up a locality plan by measuring how well local children and young people are doing against the high level outcomes set out in the Children and Young People’s plan and working out what need to change to improve outcomes for children.

The new Craigavon group will use local statistics provided across agencies together with their collective knowledge of emerging issues for children and young people in each local area.

The Craigavon Locality Planning Group Launch will commence on:

Date: 10 June 2014
Time: 1pm

To register please click here…..