Supporting parents in a digital world workshops

Supporting parents in a digital world workshops

October 2013

Making good choices online, educationally and socially, is a valuable life skill for children and young people today. They need these skills for protection and to maximise life and employment opportunities. Their online reputation matters. What you do online reflects who you are offline.
Parents across the Southern area have been raising concerns about keeping up to date with new technology and asking for help in understanding how it all works and how best to help their children keep safe.
The locality planning groups in the southern area have decided to do something to address the concerns raised and have organised a number of workshops to allow parents to hear some advice and ask the questions they want to ask in an informal setting.  The workshops called “Supporting parents in a digital world” will be held in a range of local venues.  The list below shows where and how to book your place. Read more …

Flyer about workshops in Armagh, Banbridge and Dungannon areas