SureStart ‘Chat with Me about Preschool’ Parent Guide

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‘Chat with Me about Preschool’ Parent Guide

How to us this book to support your child’s move to Preschool

Your child will get most joy and learning from sharing this book when you….



Wait to give your child time to look at the pictures and take it all in



Notice what your child
is looking at or pointing
to, and listen to
anything s/he says



Respond by saying
something about what
your child is focussed

Chatting together is a great way to prepare your child for new experiences.  Go to the next pages for some ideas about using this book to support your child as s/he gets ready to go to Preschool






Become familiar with the new Preschool

Here are some things you could try:


Go for walks where you will pass the Preschool Take a photo of the Teacher and put it up at home Go to the Open Day if possible Arrange playdates with another child who is going too







Make your child feel safe and secure


Talk about the Teacher being kind and looking after the children


Have chats about all the fun there will be at the new school


Make it exciting to get new shoes, bag and jumper for Preschool







More ways to help your child feel safe and secure

Develop a good bedtime routine and a regular time for bed Talk about the routine of the day – stay for a while and then get picked up again Talk about how it’s okay to be a wee bit worried as well as excited







Encourage your child to do things themselves

Your child will be more confident about going to school if they are’nt worried about who will do things for them – and reassure them there will always be help if they need it.

Putting on Shoes and Coat Pouring a drink and buttering toast – there’s snacks every day Sorting themselves out at the toilet Washing and drying their hands






Talk about making new friends

Use the book to chat about how the little boy is making new friends,

Talk about chatting, being friendly and helping your new friends Talk about how the boy is having his turn and then it is his friend’s turn Talk about how friends are kind, like when the little boy fell Talk about how sometimes we play together and sometimes on our own