Cost of Living Support and Advice

Council Cost of Living Resources and Support
Information on cost of living support available across Northern Ireland in each District Council Area

Cost of Living 24 - Community Wellbeing NI
Self-help Cost of Living guides and ways to access help to support your mental health and wellbeing.
We’re here for consumers in Northern Ireland | Consumer Council Cost of Living Support
The Consumer Council is the statutory consumer body for Northern Ireland. We represent consumers and handle complaints about energy, water, transport and post. We also signpost for help with Cost of Living Crisis
Cost of Living support
A cost of living support package has been put in place for 2022 that includes one-off payments to those on income related benefits, disabled claimants and pensioners. These payments are intended to provide support to you with the current rise in the cost of living.

Cost of Living - Information & Advice
NI Direct information and advice on the cost of living including help for families and children, older people, energy savings, housing and other costs
Energy Efficiency

10 Top Tips Information Leaflet - Energy efficiency in the home
NEA are concerned that the ‘perfect storm’ of higher energy prices, reduced incomes, and leaky, inefficient housing could put many households in Northern Ireland at increased risk of fuel poverty. These increases come at a time when many household budgets are already stretched thin.

Dealing with Damp and Condensation
During the colder months condensation becomes a major problem in many homes.

Help with energy costs in Northern Ireland
You may be worried about managing your energy use and costs this winter. Here is some information to help householders in Northern Ireland. (Click on Accessibility to access Recite toolbar to change language)

Northern Ireland Energy Efficiency webinars
NEA Northern Ireland launches a new suite of supported e-learning courses and webinars Supported E-Learning Fuel Poverty and Health The course looks at the causes and impacts of fuel poverty with a focus on the health impacts. It aims to help delegates identify those likely to be at risk from fuel p…

Energy Cost Calculator UK | GoCompare
Find out how much it costs to run common household appliances and compare them against each other.
Family Support

Family Support Hubs – Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP)
A Family Support Hub is a multi-agency network of statutory, community and voluntary organisations that provide early intervention services, or work with families who need support. The network accepts referrals and uses their knowledge of local service providers to signpost families with specific needs to an appropriate service. Find your local hub here.

FamilySupportNI - Family support and childcare services across Northern Ireland
The most comprehensive public directory of registered childcare and family support services in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland - Lurgan - Freedom Foods Pantry
For a small weekly subscription of £4.00 (or £6.00 for families), members of this pantry will be able to have access to food including fresh fruit and vegetables and store cupboard favourites that will often value £15-20 or more!

YMCI Foodbank
Local Churches working in partnership - located in the ground floor premises underneath the Magnet Centre, Hill Street Newry