Useful Resource for Families, Young People and Front Line Staff is a very useful resource which helps families, young people and front line staff to find local family support services throughout Northern Ireland, including details of the full range of registered childcare services.This website lists contact details and an overview of family support services in the community, statutory and voluntary sectors.

The website is regularly audited and updated to ensure contact details of family support services are up to date.  The team network  through social media, attending events and trawling the internet to check that all relevant family support services in Northern Ireland are included.

The childcare section contains details of all registered childcare providers throughout Northern Ireland.  The website team works closely with the Early Years Teams within the Health Trusts, and with the childcare providers, including, Community, Voluntary and Private Providers to ensure information is accurate and up to date.   Other government agencies use this website as an information resource e.g. HMRC, to check whether a childcare provider is registered.

If you provide a family support or childcare service within Northern Ireland, please check your details are still correct.

The website can be found at or information from this website can also be accessed via a FREE childcare and family support App which can be accessed by searching for ‘FSNI’ on App store/Google Play/Windows/Kindle

Email  or call 0845 600 6483

Helen O’Neill, Communications Manager, Health and Social Care Board on 028 9536 1004 or via email .   Read more…..