Summer Activities for Children & Young People with a Disability/Additional Needs

A  new resource for parents and staff in relation to summer activities for children and young people with a disability and/or additional needs has been produced through our 6 Locality Planning Groups in the Southern Trust Area.  We invited group members and relevant organisations to give us the dates of summer activities being run across the Southern Trust area, so we can see what is being planned. LPG’s feel it is useful for everyone to know what is happening in their area to avail of summer provision for their child.

Download Directory here – Updated 18 June 2019

We know this is not a definitive list however we have included all of the information submitted to us and we thank those who have contributed.  We will advertise summer activities and schemes for all children and young people in the Southern Trust area in our next two FYI’s, so if you are running a scheme please send through all relevant information (flyers, details of activities etc.) 

Also, we would welcome any feedback from any of you who have secured activities for your child or services who have gained participants as a result of this resource.

Contact:  with any feedback or if you require a copy of the directory or any other information.