Angel Eyes NI – Equality for Children with Vision Impairment


All children have dreams and aspirations and we believe that blind and partially sighted children should have the same opportunities in life to achieve these as their fully sighted peers.  Angel Eyes NI supports parents to access early intervention family support services at the earliest stage in their child’s life.

Our aim is to provide parents and their families with the tools to make this possible and to enable their child to realise their full potential.  

Our Vision

Every blind and partially sighted child in Northern Ireland will have equal opportunities in life to fully achieve their dreams, aspirations and potential

Our Service

Angel Eyes NI offer a range of parenting/family support  services including signposting, education advocacy, advice, access to early years programmes including play groups, parent peer support, family outings and much more to support families with a blind or partially sighted child.

Contact Us

Angel Eyes NI

Innovation Factory

385 Springfield Road

Belfast, BT12 7DG

Telephone – 028 9590 2835 
