Celebrate Giving your Child the Best Start in Life in the West


Join the CYPSP Fermanagh Locality Planning Group to celebrate families giving their children the best start in life. A family day will be hosted in Enniskillen during infant mental health week from 12-16 June 2017 that will include an 800 baby steps walk, bubble toddler yoga, hug the castle and much more….



Venue: Enniskillen Castle

Date: Friday 16th June 2017 

Time: 10.00am -12.00pm

Click here to download the Fermanagh Infant Mental Health Event flyer


Contact Us:

For more information get in touch with Priscilla Magee, CYPSP Western Area Locality Planner by telephone at 07880723076 or email priscilla.magee@westerntrust.hscni.net 


Partnership with Parents in the South Eastern Area

Partnership with Parents is an individual home based support service for parents informed by evidence of ‘what works’ to ensure that it has the best chance of succeeding and making a real difference.

The programme is for any parent with a child between the age of 0-18years who is moving into or at nursery/playgroup, primary or secondary school and is feeling under pressure or stressed.

The service is available for parents in the Colin, Ards and North Down, Down and Lisburn sectors.

Click here to download a copy of the programme flyer and for contact details


Connecting Domestic, Sexual and Internet Based Abuse in the Western Outcomes Area

A short seminar took place on 9 May, 2017 in Enniskillen, bringing together practitioners from across many agencies and organisations in the Western Outcomes Area to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the challenges of domestic, sexual abuse and internet based abuse.

The seminar began with an overview of the Regional ‘Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse in Northern Ireland Strategy’ (DH, 2016). The event wished to embed the strategies vision across the western area through raising awareness that domestic or sexual violence in any form should not be tolerated. Effective tailored preventative and responsive services should be provided were all victims are supported, and perpetrators held to account.

Ms Cecilia Whitehorn who supports the Western Domestic and Sexual Violence Partnership shared an update from the partnership on their role across the western area to address sexual and domestic violence through a number of working groups. Ms Whitehorn facilitated a discussion on the concerns experienced from practitioners and worked with them to agree the role of the  Western Domestic and Sexual Violence Partnership to support victims and hold perpetrators accountable whether through prevention, support, training and development or protection and justice interventions.

Sonia Montgomery, Assistant Manager in the Western Health and Social Care Trust’s Health Improvement Team and Chair of the Western Esafety Steering Group gave an overview of the work of the group and how digital technology is increasingly becoming integral to domestic and sexual abuse.  Ms Montgomery outlined many of the ways that victims can be targeted including monitoring of social media profiles or emails, abuse, stalking and trolling on social media platforms, ‘revenge porn’ (the sharing without consent of intimate photos or videos) and using spyware.

Simple measures were shared with practitioners during the conference which offer greater levels of privacy and protection for the victim, including signposting to local agencies able to give help, advice and support.  

Ms Montgomery concluded the event by recommending that key to all of this is that we need to teach our children and young people about respect, healthy relationships and empathy for each other. There is often a huge disconnect between generations because children are so digitally literate, however effective communication can ensure that problems are addressed before it is too late.


For further information please get in touch with one of the team:

Helen Donnelly – helen@cmworks.co.uk

Priscilla Magee – priscilla.magee@westerntrust.hscni.net

Sonia Montgomery – sonia.montgomery@westerntrust.hscni.net

Carol Follis – carol.follis@fermanaghomagh.com


Portadown Gets Active Programme July – August 2017


The programme will bring together partner agencies including CiNI, CYPSP, Pathway Adventures NI, Oasis Youth Project of Craigavon Intercultural Programme and Niacro. It will give young people, particularly from ethnic minority communities the opportunity to participate in a month of activities during school holidays including physical activity, OCN accredited Health and Hygiene programme, mini medics first aid course and fun cookery sessions that will provide young people them with the skills and confidence to cook small simple meals on a budget.


A series of discovery days have been planned for July that will provide young people with a taster session of the programme before signing up the programme to ensure expectation and retention of participants is managed. The programme will run two days per week over the month of August. It is anticipated that 60 young people will complete the programme.


Alongside the youth activities, the Portadown Gets Active Programme will work with young people aged 12-16 years through a peer mentor scheme in July followed by a residential opportunity in Ballykinler at the end of the summer. The peer mentors will be empowered with the confidence and skills to support the delivery of the 8-12years youth programme.


Click here to download a copy of the flyer for the Portadown Gets Active programme


Contact Us:

For more information or to enquire about registering on the programme please contact: Andrew McCreery or Gordon Woolsey: 02838 335 322


Employers For Childcare Cost Survey 2017


Employers For Childcare is asking all parents to complete the 2017 Northern Ireland Childcare Cost Survey to share their experience either of accessing childcare or of being unable to do so.

This is the eighth year that the Childcare Cost Survey is seeking the views of parents from across Northern Ireland tracking the cost of childcare and the impact that rising costs have on families. It is vital that we hear both from working parents who are currently using childcare but also from those parents who have perhaps left the workforce, or have cut back their hours, due to factors such as an inability to access or afford childcare.


Read more by clicking here about the Childcare Cost survey


To be in for a chance to enter their competition to win an overnight stay for a family of four in the Galgorm Resort and Spa simply complete the Employers For Childcare short survey here 

Closing date for entries: 30 June 2017