Carrickfergus 7th Annual Youth Fair


The 7th Annual Youth Fair was hosted by the Carrickfergus Raising Attainment Group and the CYPSP Carrickfergus Locality Planning Group this month at Oakfield Community Centre. Over 400 pupils aged 14-15 years from post primary schools had the opportunity to engage with local mental health and wellbeing services that support vulnerable young people in the local area.

Speaking at the fair, Colin Patterson, Vice Principal of Downshire School said, “Adolescence can be a difficult time. The youth fair left everyone knowing that Carrickfergus has a kind and caring community support network”.


Read more


Click here to find out more about the CYPSP Carrickfergus Locality Planning Group


The way forward in the Southern Outcomes Group Area 


The Southern Area Outcomes Group met in early February to sign off on their 2014-2017 Action Plan and acknowledge some of the significant work that has been achieved for children and young people in their area over the last three years. The day was also dedicated to action planning for their new plan for 2017-2020 and to identify the key priorities that the group want to address collectively to improve outcomes for children, young people and families living in the Southern Area. 

Five key priority areas have been identified with a further action planning day arranged to add detail on what will be delivered collectively on a multi-agency basis. A summary overview of the priorities can be downloaded here.  The new action plan for the Southern Outcomes Group will be made available shortly.


To learn more about the work of the Southern Outcomes Group click here


Agreeing three year priorities for the South Eastern Area Outcomes Group


The South Eastern Outcomes Group recently hosted a second action planning workshop in Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn with community, voluntary and statutory sector member organisations who represent the children and young people’s sector on the South Eastern Outcomes Group. 


The purpose of this workshop was to agree the multi agency purpose of this group in line with the new Children and Young People’s Strategy for Northern Ireland, Programme for Government and issues affecting children and young people living in the South Eastern Outcomes Area.


The South Eastern Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Action Plan for 2017-2020 is a three year plan that will encompass three priorities that the group will address collectively to improve outcomes for children, young people and families in the South Eastern Area.

The three priorities are:

  1. Our children will reach their developmental potential
  2. Our children will be resilient and have positive mental health
  3. Our children will get the best possible early intervention support from their families


The Draft South Eastern Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Plan for 2017-2020 can be downloaded here


A summary report from the workshop can be downloaded here


The final South Eastern Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Action Plan will be made available shortly.


To find out more about the South Eastern Outcomes Group click here 


Celebrating 10 years of the Fostering Achievement Scheme in Northern Ireland


The Fostering Achievement Project recently hosted the Aspire, Achieve, Succeed Outcomes Seminar to promote and support educational achievement of children in foster care in Northern Ireland . Fionnuala McAndrew, Director of Social Care and Children from the Health and Social Care Board was in attendance at the event.

The scheme which is commission by the HSCB and delivered on behalf of the Board by The Fostering Network supports and promotes the educational attainment of children in foster care. This year’s theme; “Aspire, Achieve, Succeed” reiterated the importance and relevance of this Scheme which benefits both children and their foster carers.

A detailed report from the seminar will be available soon.


For more information about Fostering Achievement please click here


Photograph Caption:

Karen Sharkey, (foster carer), Fionnuala McAndrew (HSCB), Dr Karen Winter (QUB), Brendan Whittle, (SEHSCT), Angela Burns, Kathleen Toner (The Fostering Network), Eilis McDaniel (DoH)

Guide Dogs Movement Matters Programme in NI


Guide Dogs NI Movement Matters Habilitation Service helps your child develop movement, orientation and independent living skills. 

Guide Dogs’ children and young people’s services include the full range of services previously provided by our sister organisation, Blind Children UK.


What can Movement Matters offer your family?

Babies benefit immensely through our specialist support to stimulate movement, through play and games, to help them reach expected developmental milestones.
Children can learn how to explore their world, developing their confidence and independence.
Teenagers and young adults can learn the skills they need to reach their potential as adults.


Download the Movement Matters Programme here


Contact us: 

Telephone: 0345 143 0193
