SAVE THE DATE: Mood and Food Workshop with Bridin McKenna, Life Therapies

Following on from the success of the Toxic Childhood Conference in October 2016, the CYPSP Craigavon Locality Planning Group will host a one day workshop with Bridin McKenna from Life Therapies on the relationship between Mood and Food.


27 February 2017 from 9.00-16.00 at Brownlow Community Hub

(7 Brownlow Road, Craigavon, BT65 5DL)


Read more about the Mood and Food workshop


How to book a place

For further information or to book a place at the workshop please contact Darren Curtis by email at or telephone 028 9536 3966 or 07725 232566

Note: Spaces are limited therefore booking is essential. Payment by cheques should be made payable to Children in Northern Ireland.


Empowering families at the Magherafelt family fun day


The Empower Project in partnership with the CYPSP Magherafelt Locality Planning Group hosted a family fun day this month that brought together 66 young people under the age of 12 years with Autism, Dyslexia or Dyspraxia and their families.

The event engaged with families from the local area and encouraged them to get involved in  arts & crafts, Mucky Hands sessions and sports activities that enabled young people to establish new friendships and try something new.

One parent who attended the event shared their experience, ‘My boys thoroughly enjoyed the family fun day organised by Empower. It was also therapeutic, as a parent, to be able to meet other mums and dads with children on the Autism spectrum. Having the freedom to talk about your experience in a relaxed environment to someone who understands how you feel can really make a difference to your day’.


Read more about the event


Get in touch

For further information about the Big Lottery funded Empower Project see


Angel Eyes NI: Equality for Children with Vision Impairment


All children have dreams and aspirations and we believe that blind and partially sighted children should have the same opportunities in life to achieve these as their fully sighted peers.  Angel Eyes NI supports parents to access early intervention family support services at the earliest stage in their child’s life.

Our aim is to provide parents and their families with the tools to make this possible and to enable their child to realise their full potential.  

Our Vision

Every blind and partially sighted child in Northern Ireland will have equal opportunities in life to fully achieve their dreams, aspirations and potential

Our Service

Angel Eyes NI offer a range of parenting/family support  services including signposting, education advocacy, advice, access to early years programmes including play groups, parent peer support, family outings and much more to support families with a blind or partially sighted child.

Contact Us

Angel Eyes NI

Innovation Factory

385 Springfield Road

Belfast, BT12 7DG

Telephone – 028 9590 2835 



Save the Date: Western Outcomes Group Engagement Events

The Western Outcomes Group invites you to attend the launch of their Western Area Children and Young People’s Action Plan (2017-2020). This three year plan will encompass three core obsessions that the outcomes group wish to share and embed across all children and young people’s agencies working in the western outcomes area:

  1. Every Child has the best start in life
  2. Promote the safety of Our Children and Young People
  3. Work together to include the voice of Children and Young People

The series of engagement events will take place between February and March 2017.

Details of the dates and venues of the engagement events can be downloaded here


How to book a place at one of the engagement events:

For the Limavady, Derry and Strabane engagement events please contact Bronagh Donnelly at

For the Omagh and Enniskillen engagement events please contact Priscilla Magee at



Consultation Event with Young People on the Draft Children and Young People’s Strategy: 3 Feb 2017


Children in Northern Ireland & YouthAction NI are hosting a consultation event for young people to share their views on the Northern Ireland Executive’s Draft Children and Young People’s Strategy 2017-2027. Officials from the Department of Education will be in attendance.


Our Plan for You – Young People’s Version of the Plan

Our Plan for You – Young People’s Consultation Response Form


Consultation Event Details:

Friday 3 February 2017


YouthActionNI (14 College Square North, Belfast)

Note: Refreshments available from 4.00pm


How to book a space

As places are limited it is essential that you RSVP by phoning Lorraine Thompson on 07905 773439 or email by Wednesday 1 February.