Exploring Educational Underachievement in the North Down Area

Interested parents, community and youth partners, academics and other stakeholders are warmly invited to a Seminar, to come  together to explore the issue of educational underachievement in the North Down area on:

Thursday 2nd February 2017 in Aurora Leisure Centre, Bangor 9.30am – 1.30pm

The aim of the initial event is to explore the degree of under achievement in the area, understand the range of factors which can contribute to educational under achievement, and to consider what can be collectively done towards addressing the issue.  Child care can be provided for parents interested in attending the event.

Please see the attached invitation for further information.

To register for the seminar, send a completed reply slip to e.mckelvey@stran.ac.uk by Friday 27th January 2017.

Consultation on proposals for the Updated Multiple Deprivation Measure

As part of its work to update the current Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2010), NISRA is consulting users about the proposed indicators to be included in the forthcoming measure, referred to as NIMDM 2017.

The key consultation questions along with relevant considerations are contained in Sections 9 to 16 of the Consultation Document, which present proposals for each of the seven separate domains that are incorporated within the deprivation measures (i.e. income; employment; health and disability; education, skills and training; access to services; living environment; and crime and disorder).

The consultation invites your views on the responses in respect of (i) each of the recommendations that arose from the 2010 Deprivation update and (ii) the proposed indicators in each of the NIMDM 2017 domains. In addition, it seeks your views on whether the current domain weights still reflect current priorities and invites you to outline how you are affected by, or have used or intend to use, the deprivation measures.

If you would prefer to use an alternative way to respond or indeed require further information, please contact the Deprivation Team (email deprivation.NISRA@finance‑ni.gov.uk or telephone 028 9034 8271) who will be happy to answer any queries that you may have regarding the consultation.

The Deprivation Team recognises that the updated measures, which are planned for release in mid-2017, will be hugely important to a variety of interested parties and users. Accordingly, we actively encourage you to take part in this important consultation and look forward to receiving your response. A summary report detailing all of the responses to the consultation will be made available, in due course, on NISRA’s Deprivation web page.

Information for Child Protection Professionals/Parents in Northern Ireland

About the NSPCC’s helpline and Childline services and how they can work with you

A leaflet has been prepared for professionals who work with children
in a range of safeguarding settings to provide information on NSPCC helpline services.

NSPCC have two helplines that are based in Northern Ireland and both operate a free, 24/7 telephone and online service. Childline is a service for children who want to speak to them, whatever their worry, whenever they need help. Whereas the NSPCC helpline is a place where parents, professionals and the public can seek advice and share concerns about the welfare of a child.

Download Leaflet

Getting Ready for Baby – Early Intervention Transformation Programme

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust has launched a new programme for first time parents.  Getting Ready for Baby is a new way of delivering care and supporting parents through pregnancy, preparing for labour and the early days of baby’s life.

The programme, for the first time in Northern Ireland, links antenatal appointments with parenting group support as Patricia McStay, Head of Midwifery and Gynaecology for the Southern Trust explains: “Having a baby is a very exciting time. Along with the physical changes the mother will experience, there is also a lot of new information for parents to absorb in preparation for their new arrival.

“Attending your antenatal care is very important for the physical health and wellbeing of both mum and baby. However, we also now know that antenatal education classes are just as important in supporting parents to cope with pregnancy, birth and right through to the early days with their new arrival.

“We are delighted to introduce ‘Getting Ready for Baby’ to the Southern Trust. By combining both antenatal check-ups with group education we hope to make it much more convenient for parents. The programme includes all the same information as our traditional ‘Parentcraft’ approach but also emphasises the importance of emotional health and wellbeing, helping parents to get to develop relationships with their baby and equipping them to give their child the best start in life.”

Parents get all their appointment dates at their first visit so they can make arrangements well in advance and will see the same midwife for both their education and care, allowing them to build up a relationship.

The programme is currently targeted at first time mothers with no health or pregnancy complications. Your midwife will advise at your booking appointment if you are eligible to take part in the programme and explain what is involved before you choose this option.

Getting Ready For Baby has been introduced through the Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP) a Northern Ireland Executive/Atlantic Philanthropies Delivering Social Change Signature Programme, funded jointly by the Delivering Social Change fund, DoH, DE, DoJ, DfC, DfE and The Atlantic Philanthropies. EITP aims to improve outcomes for children and young people across Northern Ireland through embedding early intervention approaches.

Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles Workshops for Parents

Parenting NI in partnership with Public Health Agency through the CLEAR Project are hosting a series of Encouraging Healthy Lifestyle workshops for parents.

The workshop will explore:

  • Health and Wellbeing – A healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing
  • Healthy Eating – Exploring portion size and forming good food habits with food
  • Physical Activity –  Encouraging exercise through more family activities
  • Sleep Routine – Develop an effective sleep routine for your family


There will be two workshops. For more information about each of the workshops click on the detail below:

Downpatrick: 24 January 2017, 10am-12pm at Down Sure Start

Portadown: 30 January 2017, 10am-12pm at NIACRO 


All parents are welcome. To register call 0808 8010 722