Invitation: Targeting Online Behaviour Workshop with Professor Andy Phippen

The Western E-Safety Steering Group invite you to an interactive, discussion based workshop with Professor Andy Phippen from Plymouth University.

Professor Phippen specialises in how children and young people use technology and the workshops aims to address a range of digital behaviours with a focus on the impacts of gaming on children’s emotional health and wellbeing.

The workshop will be hosted in partnership with the Western Health and Social Care Trust, NSPCC and the Public Health Agency.

Date: 9 February 2017

Time: 9.00am – 1.00pm

Venue: Waterfoot Hotel, Derry/Londonderry

Audience: This seminar is for anyone who works with children and young people, educators, carers, influencers, policy makers, parents, public protection, health care professionals, community and voluntary organisations.

The master class will give you the opportunity to discuss:

  • Striking the balance between embracing new technology and being emotionally healthy;
  • What children and young people do online – the gap between what they know and what we need to know!
  • The tensions between online safety messages, policy, behaviours and culture

How to register:

For more information about the workshop click here

To download a registration form for the workshop click here

For further information contact Priscilla Magee, Western Locality Planning Officer, WHSCT at:

Consultation: DE publish the Draft Children and Young People’s Strategy 2017-2027

The Department of Education has launched a public consultation on the Executive Children and Young People Strategy 2017-2027. This Strategy is designed to improve the well-being of all children and young people living in Northern Ireland.

The draft strategy outlines eight high level outcomes that the Department wish to achieve for all children and young people in Northern Ireland. Each of the high level outcomes are interconnected.

The consultation will run from 19 December 2016 until 27 February 2017 at 5pm.
For further information and to download copy of the consultation document click here

The consultation period will run from Monday 19th December 2016 until 5pm on Monday 27th February 2017 inclusive.

Department of Health Minister welcomes EITP EDGES Service showcase at Stormont

The Department of Health Minister, Michelle O’Neill addressed Health and Social Care providers at a recent Long Gallery showcase of the EITP EDGES Service. The EDGES Service is one of the projects funded through the Early Intervention Transformation Programme.

The Programme is funded jointly by five government Departments (Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Justice, Department for Communities and Department for Employment and Learning), Delivering Social Change and Atlantic Philanthropies.  Department of Health leads the implementation of this cross-government initiative.The aim of the service is to provide an evidence informed, specialist ‘earlier intervention’ service for young people primarily between the ages of 12 to 17 years, who are on the ‘edge of care’, custody and or education.

One parent who has three children who have benefitted from accessing the EDGES Service has said “EDGES is a totally fantastic group to be involved with and if I ever slip back I know for a fact they would be the first people that I would contact.”

To read more about the EDGES Service and the showcase event in the Long Gallery at Stormont click here

For further information about the service contact Helen Dunn, Health and Social Care Board at

Partnerships in Practice

CYPSP with partner organisations NICCY and Corrymeela Community Centre met with Church of Sweden representatives who visited Northern Ireland recently to learn more about partnership working in practice.

For more information please contact Una Casey at or telephone 02895 362848


To download the CYPSP Partnership in Practice presentation click here

Child Friendly Version of the Draft Programme for Government

The Northern Ireland Executive have recently launched a child-friendly version of their Programme for Government consultation document. The document will inform departments to improve the well being of all the people in Northern Ireland over a long period of time. The Executive want to hear from children and young people about their views of the draft document. 

Download the child friendly version of the Draft Programme for Government here

Complete the online survey by clicking here

Telephone: 02890 520 584

Email the Executive at: