The Department of Health Minister, Michelle O’Neill addressed Health and Social Care providers at a recent Long Gallery showcase of the EITP EDGES Service. The EDGES Service is one of the projects funded through the Early Intervention Transformation Programme.
The Programme is funded jointly by five government Departments (Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Justice, Department for Communities and Department for Employment and Learning), Delivering Social Change and Atlantic Philanthropies. Department of Health leads the implementation of this cross-government initiative.The aim of the service is to provide an evidence informed, specialist ‘earlier intervention’ service for young people primarily between the ages of 12 to 17 years, who are on the ‘edge of care’, custody and or education.
One parent who has three children who have benefitted from accessing the EDGES Service has said “EDGES is a totally fantastic group to be involved with and if I ever slip back I know for a fact they would be the first people that I would contact.”
To read more about the EDGES Service and the showcase event in the Long Gallery at Stormont click here
For further information about the service contact Helen Dunn, Health and Social Care Board at