RNIB summer family activities

RNIB in partnership with Angel Eyes NI have set out a summer programme of activities for young people with sight loss in Northern Ireland from July-September 2016. Activities include; family sailing, digital music summer scheme, pottery project, girls pamper days and family trips to the zoo. Click here for more info.

Contact RNIB: Charlene or Roisin at 028 9033 4117 or 028 9033 4122

CYPSP LGB&T Subgroup ‘Come Walk in My Shoes’ Award Victory!

The PHA and QUB Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) Awards were established to recognise the excellent work involving service users and carers in Health and Social Care. The PPI Awards event was held in Riddell Hall, Belfast on 22 June 2016. The CYPSP LGB&T subgroup were recognised and awarded under the Innovation in involvement’ category for their recent ‘Come Walk in my Shoes’ campaign as part of LGB&T Awareness Week.

Koulla Yiasouma, Commissioner for Children and Young People, highlighted from the event ‘as a society we cannot ignore the experiences of our LGB&T young people and how we need to understand their lives and experiences better and ensure that their rights are respected’. CYPSP and the HSCB Social Care Directorate would like to congratulate the CYPSP LGB&T Subgroup and all those participated in the event. Click here to read more.

Give Your Child the Best Start in Life! – Infant Mental Health Awareness Week

The western locality planning groups brought together organisations delivering children’s services with families to support infant mental health awareness week from 6 – 10 June. A series of events took place across Enniskillen and Omagh. Representatives got involved and supported the event by painting their ring finger to highlight the importance of bonding and loving your baby.

For more information click here .


Supporting children in prisoner families

Barnardos have published a handbook for schools to implement good practice for children affected by the imprisonment of a family member and the potential impacts on children. The handbook has highlighted that the challenge teachers and non-teaching support staff is that their role in specifically support children who experience this issue is not always clear.

The book has several aims including:

  • To provide information about specific effects on children at different stages of what has been referred to as the ‘offender journey’.
  • To provide a framework for the Education Authority (EA) (and other relevant agencies), schools and school staff addressing the needs of children with a family member in prison.
  • To share good practice for this group of children

Read more.

Healthy New You Initiative in Northern Trust

Through short term funding from the Public Health Agency, a school nurse led childhood obesity prevention study called ‘Healthy New You’ was conducted across 6 primary schools in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.

The programme consisted of nurse led classroom based sessions in partnership with councils, dietetics and voluntary organisations to deliver physical activity, nutrition education and cook it. Parents who participated said the initiative ‘opened my eyes to be willing to taste and enjoy new food’ and ‘I get the kids to help me to cook now so they know what they are eating’ and ‘increased food knowledge’.

The full report can be downloaded here.