LGBT Awareness Week NI 2016 – The Launch

The Rainbow Project, HereNI and Cara-Friend would like to invite you to the launch of LGBT Awareness Week at Belfast City Hall on Monday 16th May 2016 from 10.00am (Tea and coffee will be available from 9.30am).  The theme for this year’s week is Challenge Homophobia and Transphobia (CHAT).  Please feel free to bring along a pop up stand and literature for distribution.

For more information on the Launch and for a full Programme of events throughout LGBT Awareness Week please click on the links below:

LGBT Awareness Week Launch Invite

LGBT Awareness Week Programme 

Same-Sex Family Project Launch – Monday 16th May 2016

HEReNI and The Rainbow Project are launching a unique Same-Sex Family Project, supported by the Big Lottery.  You are cordially invited to attend the launch on:

Date: Monday 16th May 2016

Time: 12.30pm – 2.30pm

Venue: Clifton House, Belfast

A networking lunch will be provided.  If you wish to attend, please RSVP to

Click here for Launch Invite …

Association for Infant Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Conference and Annual General Meeting

The Association for Infant Mental Health (Northern Ireland) are hosting their Annual General Meeting and Conference ‘The History of the Troubles According to Our Babies’ on Tuesday 7th June 2016 from 9.00am – 4.30pm in Riddel Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.

The conference will explore and address the intergenerational impact of the Northern Ireland conflict on parents, infants and families.  A Conference Agenda is included below.

There are a limited number of free delegate places at the conference for members of AIMH(NI).  There is a charge of £50.00 for non-members

To register email: or complete the registration form below by Thursday 2nd June 2016.
Non-members can request an invoice for the conference or apply to become a member through this email address.

AIMH Information and Registration Form

AIMH Conference Agenda

Parenting Your Teen: An Information Session

You are invited to attend a Parents information day on the 19th April 2016 between 10am and 2pm.The session is being held in the Amma centre, Markethouse, Armagh City BT61 7BU. The aims of the information session are to gain an understanding of some of the issues teenagers are going through today, focusing on key issues of parenting teenagers, internet safety, mental/emotional health and drugs and alcohol.Should you have any inquiries or would like to come along to this event then please do not hesitate to contact Maria on 028 37522380. Read more…..



Free Cultural Competence/Traveller Awareness Training – Craigavon/Banbridge

Craigavon and Banbridge Locality Planning Groups are hosting a FREE Cultural Competence/Traveller Awareness Training Session on:

Date:  Tuesday, 19th April 2016

Time:  10.00am – 1.30pm (light lunch available)

Venue:  Portadown Town Hall

To book a place please contact Julie Bolton:

07725 232566

For more information click here …