The All Party Group on Children & Young People

Children in Northern Ireland are the Secretariat to the All Party Group on Children & Young People.  They are delighted to announce their new Chairperson Chris Lyttle MLA, Deputy Chairperson Catherine Kelly MLA, Secretary Mike Nesbitt MLA & Treasurer Michelle McIlveen MLA. 

If you would like to attend the All Party Group on Children & Young People meetings please email to be added to the emailing list.

Southern Area Locality Planning: FYI Newsletter

Southern Area Locality Planning have recently introduced a new innovative way of sharing information on the great work of services and organisations striving to improve outcomes for children, young people and families in the Southern Trust area.  With the aim of strengthening contacts, participation, engagement and connections in the region, LPG members, as well as the wider community, are invited to submit flyers, posters & announcements promoting relevant events, opportunities, programmes and initiatives. All of this information is then collated and shared via a one-stop shop style newsletter – ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).
Moving into its 14th edition in August 2019, the fortnightly ‘FYI’ e-bulletin, circulated on alternate Thursday afternoons, now reaches approx. 700 contacts and regularly advertises at least 20 opportunities on behalf of a varied range of community, voluntary & statutory organisations. More recently, the newsletter has also been circulated to the C2k education network.
View the most recent edition of ‘FYI’ here:
If you wish to make a submission, for sharing across the southern area LPG membership and wider community, or if you would like to receive future ‘FYI’ bulletins, please just get in touch, by e-mailing
Stay connected!

How are Children and Young People doing in your Trust area?

The Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership’s main aim is improving the lives of all our children and young people. A Northern Ireland Children’s Services Plan 2019-2021 has drawn up our approach to improving outcomes for children and young people along with agreeing key themes –which are the most important issues that will be taken forward in the Children and Young People’s Plan. 

Detailed Action Plans have been drawn up by each Outcomes Group across Northern Ireland which will provide more detail on how we are improving outcomes for children and young people.  We have therefore developed a new suite of interactive reports that shows how children and young people in each Trust area are doing in relation to the Government’s eight outcomes with information being updated regularly. 

To view reports click here and then click on “full screen” once loaded choose your Trust area.  Reports are available to be printed.

The Information collated in these reports is already being used by Children’s Services Planning Working Groups, together with needs assessment material collected from agencies, children and young people and communities, in the planning of services. It is also useful for locality partnerships, who can use it to help them plan better for children in a particular locality.