Outcomes Groups welcome new CAWT (Co-operation and Working Together) MACE Project Workers

The Southern and Western Outcomes groups welcome the opportunity to work alongside and support  Gavin, Brenda, Georgina, Donna and Shauna in supporting families and strengthening communities to reduce the effects of Multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences (MACE) across the border areas of Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.  The Project has been awarded grant funding from the EU INTERREG VA programme with the aim to transform the lives of vulnerable families who are risk from multiple adversities in their lives, through identification, early intervention and the provision of nurturing support within their own communities.

Gavin McGee, Newry/Mourne & Louth Community Network and Brenda Maxwell, Armagh, Cavan & Monaghan Community Network

Georgina O’Brien, Fermanagh , Sligo & Leitrim Community Network Donna McGee, Strabane & West Donegal  Community Network, Shauna Hawes, Derry, Letterkenny & Inishowen Community Network


Five cross border community networks are currently being established where each of the full time project workers will be based.

As well as developing the cross border networks, the project will develop an Adversity Matrix, a Needs Stratification Tool, deliver interventions universally, targeted and specialist for families and children in the age categories 0–3 years and 11-13 years by creating an ACE aware community and through ACE and Trauma Informed training.  The project will also develop EHealth Technologies which will support the networks to identify need, target appropriate support and monitor outcomes.  The technologies will be used as a resource by staff and communities during the life of the project and beyond.

Through Cross Border Co-operation the Project will build on infrastructure that already exists within each community network area and will facilitate local communities to build local capacity by working together and learning from each other and will be jointly owned by both jurisdictions through management and oversight of the project.

Further information is available at http://www.cawt.com/projects/eu-interreg-va-programme-2014-2020/childrens-services-multiple-adverse-childhood-experiences-mace/


Parents/Carers/Family Members we need your help!

Children in Northern Ireland and Relate NI have been commissioned by the Health and Social Care Board to deliver a FREE Regional Parenting Support Helpline offering confidential support and advice for anyone caring for or concerned about a child or young person.

Parenting a child or young person is hugely rewarding, however, at times it can be challenging. The Helpline will offer an impartial and non-judgmental listening ear, timely advice, support, signposting and guidance on issues presented. Whatever it is that affects your family, we will listen and help.

We want to hear from parents, carers, family members to gain an understanding of any barriers you may have to using a helpline, your priorities and we also need your help in finding a new name for the helpline!

Your voice is important to us we look forward to hearing your views.

Survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2NZL6ZJ

Belfast Area Safeguarding Panel – Neglect Awareness Raising Workshop

Do you work in Belfast?  You are invited to attend a community based multi-agency workshop on the theme of neglect delivered by the Belfast Area Safeguarding Panel as part of their response to the SBNI Neglect Multi-Agency Strategy 2018-2022.

The aim of the workshop is to increase knowledge and confidence on the issue of neglect for those supporting and engaging with families in the Belfast Trust area. The workshop will cover topics such as recognising neglect and responding to this issue appropriately, as well as signposting to the relevant local agencies.

Download Flyer here

Playing with nature, mud and getting dirty

Who can remember being outdoors building dens, climbing trees, making perfumes from leaves and flowers or playing with mud, stones or water? These types of childhood outdoor play experiences have been declining over time and children today are therefore having much less contact with the natural world.

The first EITP  Playmatters play briefing sheet for 2019 Playing with nature, mud and getting dirty’ aims to help parents consider the importance of letting children have contact with the natural world including their exposure to bacteria and germs and indeed, playing with mud, making a mess and getting dirty!

Please do circulate our Play Matters materials as widely as possible, especially amongst parents (including on social media #playmatters)

Causeway Connections Event

You are invited to attend our Causeway Connections Event on Thursday 14th February from 12pm- 1.30pm.  This event will be an open space opportunity to get to know some other local providers in your area and maybe even meet your Valentine Work match , with a photo booth there to capture it all!  You are welcome to bring a stand if you would like to promote your service.

We are hoping to put together an up to date list of the services attending on the day so can you please reply to Geraldine.quinn@northerntrust.hscni.net  by Wed 30th Jan with the following brief information, which will be shared after the event:

Project Name- Geographical Area Covered- Theme or Target- Name- Contact- Stand- Y/N

If you do not have a service locally but are keen to find out what is available in the locality, please RSVP to Geraldine.quinn@northerntrust.hscni.net to assist with numbers for catering and also so that we can share the directory of services after the event.