Practical Introduction to flying for children with ASD

The Belfast International Airport is providing a practical introduction to flying for children on the autism spectrum. Charlotte Olsen, a mother herself, is the author of the ‘Suzie Books’ collection, written to assist parents of children on the autistic spectrum in explaining new concepts and experiences to their children.

The latest book, ‘Suzie Goes on an Aeroplane’, is being offered by Belfast International Airport, free of charge, to help support parents who will be flying from the airport with children on the autism spectrum.


Click here to download the Belfast International Airport Support Guide for Children with Autism  

Or click on this link:

Click here to download the Guide for Travellers with Autism, Parents and Carers of Children with Autism 


Contact Us

To request further information, please contact the Belfast International Airport by email at:

If you wish to receive an Autism Awareness Pack please include your full postal address to the email address above.


Family mental health support under spotlight in Belfast


Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have launched new report findings into family mental health at the joint Health and Social Care Board and Queens University Think Family Symposium hosted last month.

Parental mental illness and, or substance use problems, are major public health issues as they may negatively impact children. Conversely, children’s experiences and difficulties may impact parents’ mental health. In 2012 the ‘Think Family NI’ initiative’ was developed by the Health and Social Care Board alongside the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership and was implemented within a regional action plan as part of a family based model approach to care, known as ‘Family Focused Practice’ (FFP).

Sean Holland, Chief Social Work Officer, Office of Social Services in the Department of Health spoke from the event and, said:  “I welcome this important study which will give health and social services a baseline of family focused practice on which to improve from. Children and family members have been providing feedback about the benefits of family focused practice in their recovery journey they have shared with parents and family members. It is important that we note and develop the opportunities and initiatives they have identified. The outcome of the study will help develop and embed family focussed practices when parents suffer from mental health issues.”


Download the full Think Family Symposium Press Release by clicking here


Contact Us:

For further information, please contact HSCB Communications on 028 9536 3278 or


Down Sector Back to School Uniform Initiative

Following the massive response from communities and success of last year’s Downpatrick initiative, the CYPSP Down Locality Planning Group with partners are taking collective action to extend the scheme to support families in Downpatrick, Castlewellan, Newcastle and Ballynahinch to get ready for school and make the back to school of year a little less stressful for families.

This year, fourteen primary schools and thirteen post primary schools have got involved in the initiative alongside a range of partner agencies including Lisburn YMCA, County Down Rural Community Network, Ballynahinch Community Collective, Lecale Learning Community, Down Sure Start, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, Action for Children, Newcastle Homestart, South Eastern HSC Trust and the Health and Social Care Board.

If you have unwanted school uniforms and accessories that are in good clean condition then please donate to this initiative at one of our designated drop off sites (as outlined on the Back to School Fair flyers below by Thursday 5 July. We are reaching out to families to encourage them to come along to one of our Back to School Fairs in Downpatrick, Newcastle and Ballynahinch


Download the Back to School Flyers for each of our sectors to find out more about local area dates and drop off sites for donating uniforms and the dates of our Back to School Fairs for families:

Downpatrick Back to School Fair

Castlewellan/Newcastle Back to School Fair

Ballynahinch Back to School Fair


To celebrate National Day of Play on 1 August 2018 families attending any of the three Back to School Fairs will receive a £1 swim voucher for any of the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council swimming pools!

We would like to pay a special thanks to Sanjay of Spin City and Mint Dry Cleaners in Belfast for their ongoing support towards the Back to School Initiative.


Last year we reached over 128 families. Click here to read more about the impact last year and the difference parents said the initiative made to them



 For further information contact Noelle Hollywood, Early Intervention and Locality Planning, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust by email at or Telephone 07872422101


Ards Back to School Uniform Project


The CYPSP Ards and North Down Locality Planning Group in partnership with the Ards Community Network are supporting families prepare for the back to school season. We are asking families to donate good clean uniforms that they no longer need to the Ards Back to School Uniform Project.


Following on from the success of the Downpatrick Back to School Uniform Project last year, the Ards sector would like to reach out and support families prepare for the Back to School season by reducing the emotional and financial stress that can be put upon families as they prepare for the new school year.

A series of uniform drop off dates have been planned at the Ards Community Network for July 2018 followed by opportunity to view sessions in August 2018 to support families prepare for the Back to School season


For further information please download the Ards Back to School Flyer here


Contact Us:

For further information about the project please contact Ards Community Network by telephone at 02891 814 625


Young people celebrate their completion of the Mentoring for Achievement Programme in Colin

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership (CNP) recently held a celebration event to mark the end of its two-year Mentoring for Achievement Programme.

The event, held in Youth Initiatives in Poleglass, was attended by pupils, teachers and CNP mentors.  Two of the Colin area’s youngest sporting heroes, boxers James Tennyson and Brendan Irvine, also made a guest appearance and gave inspirational speeches to the young attendees. Each pupil received a certificate of participation, a CNP goody bag, and lunch.

(Mentoring for Achievement Pupils recieving their awards at the celebration event)


Speaking at the event, CNP’s Early Intervention Programme Manager, David Simpson, said ‘We are delighted to congratulate all the children and young people who have successfully taken part in the Mentoring for Achievement Programme and present them with certificates today. To date, 81 pupils from the Colin area, plus their teachers, have been involved with the MAP programme, with 16 schools across Colin, West and South Belfast and Lisburn taking part. Working with so many schools outside the Colin area (which was necessary because so many children transferred from local primary to post-primary schools during the 2 years of their involvement) has been a first for Colin Neighbourhood Partnership’.

To read more about the awards event please click here


Contact Us:

If you are interested in finding more about the Mentoring for Achievement Programme, or would like to know about similar programmes in the Colin area, please contact Bernie Donaghy at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 90623813 or email