Think Family Training Session, May 2018


Dr. Adrian Falkov, author of The Family Model Handbook will host an evidence informed and practical training session to raise awareness of The Family Model and its use in practice with parents who have a mental health issue and their family members. The workshop will take place on 17 May 2018. It will help participants to learn about the six domains of The Family Model, apply The Family Model in their service area to support family focused practice and support the parent and family recovery.


Download the Think Family Training Session flyer by clicking here 


Contact Us:

If you would like to attend this event please contact Marie Blair by email at or Louise McLaughlin at by 10 May 2018


5th Annual Social Work Research Conference Outcomes Report

This Report has been produced based on the outcomes from the 5th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research Conference hosted on 7th March 2018 at Belfast Castle. The event was entitled: “How do we know if social work makes a difference? Issues in evaluating complex interventions”

Download Report here

The Event was hosted by the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) with support from the Research and Development Division of the Public Health Agency, (HSC R&D Division) the conference is now well and truly recognised as an important event in the social work calendar. Attendance by over 130 delegates and speakers drawn from management, practice, academia (tutors and students) research and service users and carers demonstrates the ever increasing and diverse interest in research and evidence in social work. In response to the call for abstracts the event also highlighted the willingness of local researchers and social work practitioners to contribute to that evidence base by presenting, orally and in poster format, the outcomes of work undertaken in their own areas of practice.

Incredible Years Programme in Ards and North Down


The Incredible Years Programme will return to the Ards and North Down area in May and June 2018. These FREE 5 week courses are designed for parents and carers who have children aged 2 – 6 years.  The programme will promote positive parent-child relationships and provide strategies to promote your child’s engagement in learning.

For more information about the upcoming sessions and for information on how to apply to attend the programme click here


Contact Us:

Claire Trolan Watts at Barnardos via telephone on 028 92 607 537 or 078 341 06 142 

Alternatively email Claire at 




A digital version of VOYPIC NEWS has just been published. Produced by our VOYPIC News Hounds, it’s full of articles and pictures celebrating our third Care Day on 16 February 2018

Read articles written by young people on making a video, visiting Wales, meeting Lord Mayors, going to school, being a Young Leader and much more. See pictures from the amazing Night at the Museum and Care Day events across Northern Ireland. Challenge yourself with the VOYPIC #CareDay18 puzzle.

BIG SHOUT OUT to our VOYPIC News Hounds Amy, Aaron, Jodie, Jordan, Kian, Martha and Stacie and to Stephen at Appleby Print for making it look amazing!

Find out more at


Play Matters – EITP Project

The Children and Young People’s Strategy Team within the Department of Education is taking forward a Play and Leisure project entitled Play Matters which is funded through the Delivering Social Change – Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP).

As part of the project’s play campaign they plan to promote key play messages through social media platforms and are asking you to support the project by taking the time to read and share their play messages through your own networks, forums and social media outlets. You can follow Play Matters on twitter at @Education_NI  #playmatters

If you would like more information or would like to hear more detail on the full Play and Leisure project (including Play Shaper and Play for Parents programmes) please contact Angela Stallard at or Pamela Baxter at or call 028 91279203.

For more information please click on the link below:

Play Matters Campaign Release

Play Matters Leaflet