Home Start 2017 Impact Report

In the past year local Home-Starts have supported 28,926 families with 59,628 children.

By focusing on individual needs, home-start helps families identify their own strengths,
increasing their potential to make changes that will improve their lives. Home-Start is committed to supporting families that most need help and works hard to engage families who feel excluded within their community. With the support of a volunteer, families develop skills needed to access services, counter isolation, build confidence and learn to cope.



Click here to download a copy of the 2017 Impact Report



Family First Service

Does your child have an acquired brain injury?  Is this having an impact on your daily life?
If yes, the Family First Service may be for you.

The Family First Service is designed and dedicated to empower families to support children who have sustained an acquired brain injury (ABI).  The Family First Service recognises that the whole family system is affected when a child sustains an ABI. The programme works with the whole family unit to enable everyone to better manage the impact of ABI in daily life.

Who can apply?
Anyone can make a referral, whether you are a family member, social
worker, GP, counsellor or teacher.

How do I apply?                                                                                                                     A referral form can be accessed on the Family First Service section of the Brain Injury Matters website

For further information please contact Brain Injury Matters on:

Tel: 02890705125
Email: info@braininjurymatters.org.uk
Website: www.braininjurymatters.org.uk

Family First Service Flyer – Click here

Resilience Documentary – Thursday, 21 September 2017

The findings of the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, published in 1998, have revealed the most important public health findings of a generation. Scientists now realise that childhood trauma is one of the leading causes of everything from heart disease and cancer, to substance abuse, depression and violence.  You are invited to the screening of an award-winning documentary Resilience, to find out how that was discovered and what we can all do to act on its insights.

This screening is being hosted by Dartmouth Films and Connected for Life. The screening will be followed by an audience and panel discussion, giving all attendees a chance to explore the insights generated by the film.

The screening will take place on:

Date: Thursday, 21 September 2017

Time: 18.30 – 20.00

Venue: Steeple Suite,  Antrim Civic Centre,  50 Stiles Way, Antrim, BT41 2UB

Cost: £7.50

For any other queries on this screening, please feel free to contact Connected for Life on: info@connectedforlife.co.uk

To book a place please click on the link below:

Book a place

Supporting Educating, Exploring & Delivering Success

The Strength2Strength allotment continues to be one of the key components of the Extern programme. The young people who joined the project chose to name the allotment project, SEEDS (Supporting Educating Exploring & Delivering Success). Alongside assisting children and young people lead happier, healthier lives, research has shown that gardening can help them acquire the skills they need to fulfil their potential and make a positive contribution to society.  Parents of our young people from the project recently participated in a ten week parenting programme.


Click here to read more


Find out more by contact us:

Carolann McIntyre, Extern at Carolann.McIntyre@extern.org


Registration is now open for ‘Reinforcing or Reducing Inequalities Amongst Children? The Role of Child Protection and Community Services’ Conference

Queen’s University, Belfast (QUB) together with the Department of Health and the Department for Communities will host a one day conference entitled “Reinforcing or Reducing Inequalities Amongst Children?  The Role of Child Protection and Community Services” on Friday, 6 October 2017.

This conference will launch the findings from the ‘Child Welfare Inequalities Project’, a major research project funded by the Nuffield Foundation which examined the relationship between deprivation and child protection interventions across the four UK nations. Professor Paul Bywaters (Coventry University) and Dr Lisa Bunting (QUB) will present the findings from the UK wide and NI elements of this work. They will be joined by Dr Nat O’Connor (University of Ulster) who will be discussing economic inequality, as well as representatives from the NI policy and practice community.

The conference is free and the hosts would encourage attendance from policy makers, service commissioners and practitioners across the statutory and community sectors in NI.  It will be held in Riddel Hall, QUB and tea/coffee and lunch will be provided.

To register for this event please click on the link below:

Registration Form