Outcomes Based Planning
The CYPSP, through all its groups, is carrying out planning to improve outcomes for children and young people.
The overarching strategic framework for integrated planning is provided by the Northern Ireland Executive’s Ten Year Strategy for Children and Young People: Our Children and Young People: Our Pledge 2006-2016 which is currently being renewed for 2017-2027 read more…
The outcomes we want to achieve for children and young people cannot be delivered by a single Department. Everyone has a role;Departments; agencies; service deliverers; the community and voluntary sector; parents and guardians; and children and young people.
The Children’s Services Co-operation Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 (the CSCA) came into effect in December 2015 and is designed to improve co-operation amongst Departments and Agencies as they deliver services aimed at improving the well-being of children and young people. The Act requires the Executive to make arrangements to promote co-operation and places a duty on named bodies to co-operate where appropriate. The CSCA defines ‘well-being’ using 8 general parameters. These largely reflect and expand upon the outcomes included in the previous Ten Year Strategy for Children and Young People, “Our children and young people – our
pledge” and are described below:-