Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Plan 2017-2020
Purpose of the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Children and Young People’s PlanTo establish an agreed basis for collaboration in the delivery of children’s services in order to address the eight parameters of wellbeing as set out in the Draft Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Strategy (2017-2027).
To ensure that the CYPSP Children and Young People’s Plan and supporting activities are focused on improving outcomes in relation to children in need.
To promote co-production with children, young people and their families in the CSP integrated planning process.
a) To establish an agreed basis for collaboration in the delivery of children’s services in order to address the eight parameters of wellbeing as set out in the Draft Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Strategy (2017-2027).
b) To ensure that the CYPSP Children and Young People’s Plan and supporting activities are focused on improving outcomes in relation to children in need.
c) To promote co-production with children, young people and their families in the CSP integrated planning process.
d) To support an integrated, multi-agency, information based planning process.
e) To identify opportunities for pooled budgets.
f) Incorporate children’s rights into the planning process.
g) To ensure an effective and efficient, fully mandated planning structure which is representative of all key stakeholders is in place to support the delivery of the CYPSP Children and Young People’s Plan.