Inspire – Advocacy for All Service

Inspires’s new ‘Advocacy for All’ service which has launched in the Western Health & Social Care Trust for people over 18 with mild/moderate mental health.

Advocacy for All will support people who are over 18 with mild/moderate mental health needs e.g. Low mood or motivation, anxiety, poor coping skills, loss of control, stress, isolation, who have no access to any other statutory commissioned advocacy support. Advocacy for All supports and empowers people to have their voice heard and resolve any issues they are having.

By creating an advocacy services for people at Steps 1 and 2, we broaden the scope of advocacy and peer support helping to develop resilience and self-help which is consistent with early intervention and prevention and reduces the need for more intensive mental health support.

Advocacy for All offers:

  • One to one support to resolve advocacy issues available to every person with mild to moderate mental health issues around Northern Ireland.
  • Information and signposting for family members and carers.
  • Access to i-connect, a unique digital wellbeing platform enabling participants to monitor and improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Referrals will be widely accepted, including from;

  • Individuals.
  • GPs and primary health and social care.
  • Local political representatives.
  • NIHE, Probation Board and other relevant statutory services.

How to get in touch;

  • A direct telephone referral line.
  • An online enquiry form.
  • Live web-chat service.
  • Post.
  • Advocacy drop in clinics.

Advocacy For All Information Leaflet

If you require any further information contact