Omagh Family Support Hub Launch

Working in Partnership to Support Happier and Healthier Families in Omagh

 Almost 100 delegates attended an event hosted by CYPSP and Action for Children to launch the Omagh Family Support Hub.

Delegates were welcomed by Mr Pat Armstrong, Western Health and Social Care Trust, “The Omagh Locality Planning Group, has shown that it is by working together that families are strengthened and supported. Today’s excellent attendance has shown the dedication of local services to making a difference to the outcomes for Omagh’s Children and young people”.

Olive Roe, Action for Children, coordinates the Family Support Hub in the Omagh area. She explained, “The purpose of the Family Support Hub is to promote partnership working between services that support children and families. Families can be referred to the Hub by other professionals such as Health Visitors, Social Workers or GP’s, or they can self-refer. The Hub coordinator will then seek to ensure that the family is signposted to the most appropriate service. I will usually meet with the family within two weeks, to gain a clear understanding of their needs. Families will then be referred to support such as individual work with children, parenting groups or home-based support work. We are aiming to promote best use of available service and reduce duplication”…. Read more