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Intercultural Education Service (IES)
We advise, deliver guidance, direction and support to schools, families and other educational support services to meet the additional educational needs of Asylum-Seeking, Refugee, Traveller, Roma and other Newcomer pupils.
Free School Meals / Uniform Grants
Information on Free School Meals and Uniform Grant to include eligibility, how to apply for support and contact details.
Applying for a School Place
Information on how to apply to Pre-school, Primary, Post Primary and Admission to Senior High Schools (Dickson Plan 14+) for September 2023 - June 2024.
Home to School Transport
The Education Authority (EA) is responsible for assessing eligibility for transport assistance in line with the Department of Education (DE) criteria.
Education in Northern Ireland Videos
Series of videos to help parents with issues they may encounter when their children first attend school and throughout their education.
Sign Language Videos
Update for Deaf Parents We know this is a challenging time and we want to ensure you that we aim to assist you the best we can and bring you the most up to date information. If you need further information or support please email equality.unit@eani.org.uk
Admissions Videos and Guidance
Videos and guidance relating to the admissions process and document upload.
Childhood Trauma, War, Migration and Asylum
Free evidence based resources to help children and young people affected by war, migration and asylum as well as the professionals supporting them in both educational and community settings. The resources have been co-produced with young people with lived experience of seeking asylum and those who support them.
- RISE NI (Regional Integrated Support for Education in N. Ireland)
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Regional Integrated Support for Education NI (RISE NI) - Northern Health and Social Care Trust
RISE NI provides a service to children within the Northern Trust area. Our aim is to help children enjoy, achieve and learn to the best of their ability in school. The service offers support to SENCOs, teachers, and assistants, as well as directly to children and their parents / carers. Our work is…
Regional Integrated Support for Education NI - South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust
Regional Integrated Support for Education NI (RISE NI) is an early intervention service. Our aim is to help children enjoy, achieve, and learn to the best of their ability in […]
RISE NI (Regional Integrated Support for Education in N.Ireland) | Southern Health & Social Care Trust
RISE NI is a regional early intervention service which supports children in pre-school educational and mainstream primary school settings by working closely with parents and education staff to help children develop the foundation skills for learning i.e. speech, language, communication, sensory-mot…
Supporting parents and educators of bilingual children
PEaCH’s mission is to offer guidance for parents and educators on how to support, maintain and develop a child’s home language(s). PEaCH also wants to raise educators’ awareness of the benefits of bilingualism and home languages.
EA Guidance on Supporting Students in religious observance
The Muslim Holy month of Ramadan started on Monday and ends on 12th May. Schools can access guidance inclusive practices and supporting students involved in acts of religious observance. Ramadan Kareem to our Muslim families and wider community.
- Belfast Met enrolment forms
Belfast Met enrolment forms
Home school communication with SeeSaw – Arabic