Reachdeck (Browsealoud) reading and translation support

Helping everyone to feel included

Every person deserves an online experience that’s welcoming, we have therefore added ReachDeck (Browsealoud) to our website which adds text-to-speech, reading and translation support, helping to make our content easily accessible to those who have hidden disabilities, such as dyslexia or other reading difficulties; visual impairments; and translations for English Language Learners.

To launch the ReachDeck (Browsealoud) toolbar click on the icon at the top of the screen. All you do is hover your mouse over any text to hear it read aloud. From a touchscreen device you’ll have to click on the text to hear it.


The options available are listed below:

Starts reading the page out loud – switch between hover and click in the settings menu
Starts reading selected text or reads from the top of the page
Stops reading and clears highlights on the page
Provides written and spoken translations in multiple languages
Displays pictures related to text selected on the page
 Converts selected text into MP3
Blocks distractions on screen with a tinted mask
Enlarge Text as it is read out loud
Removes clutter from the screen, displaying only the main text
Show a simple help page that explains what ReachDeck toolbar does
Customise options to suit individual needs or preferences