Translated health information for patients - Doctors of the World
Below you will be able to find a series of resources addressing common questions including how to register with a GP, COVID 19 and the vaccine as well as keeping Read More
Capacitar Emergency Kits of Best Practices - Capacitar International
Capacitar’s kit of simple basic practices for immediate use to help people deal with challenging situations, such as natural disasters, violence or chronic stress. Download in 30 languages.
Health Alliance | Health Improvement Northern Ireland
An initiative coordinated by NICHI, a project delivered by 4 Community Support Networks & funded by the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland.
Hepatitis B - factsheet for patients (English and translations) | HSC Public Health Agency
Factsheet for patients who have tested positive for the hepatitis B virusThe factsheet is only available by contacting the Duty Room on 028 9032 1313.
Hepatitis C - what now? Patient results factsheet (English and translations) | HSC Public Health Agency
Factsheet for patients who have tested positive for the hepatitis C virus.
Breast awareness and screening leaflets
Breast awareness: looking out for changes (English and 12 translations) | HSC Public Health Agency
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and describes how women should check their breasts regularly for any changes that are new to themThis is also available in audio format by clicking here. The translations are of the 2014 leaflet.
Northern Ireland breast screening: Helping you decide (English and 12 translations) | HSC Public Health Agency
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and help women decide whether to attend breast screening. This is also available in audio format by clicking here. The translations are of the 2014 leaflet.
Breast screening: why have I been called back? (English and translations) | HSC Public Health Agency
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and explains the additional tests that may be offered at a breast assessment clinic following a mammogram that has shown a possible abnormality.The translations are of the 2014 leaflet.
Northern Ireland Breast Screening Programme: information for women diagnosed with breast cancer between screening appointments | HSC Public Health Agency
This flyer for women diagnosed with breast cancer between screening appointments. It contains important information about screening results and cancer.
Information for women who were either unable to have or unable to complete breast screening x-rays (mammograms) | HSC Public Health Agency
This leaflet is for women who were either unable to have or unable to complete breast screening x-rays (mammograms). It provides information on why this might have been what they should do next.
SHSCT Breast Screening Service
Our dedicated breast screening team offer screening appointments to all ladies aged 50- 70 who are registered with a local GP.