All children aged 5 to 11 can now get the COVID-19 vaccine  

All children aged 5 to 11 can now get the COVID-19 vaccine  

The next stage of the vaccine rollout went live on 2nd March in Northern Ireland. This phase is aimed at vaccinating the age groups from 5 – 11 years old.

As part of the rollout of the vaccine to this age group, the Public Health Agency will be hosting a one hour information session to families and care givers to help answer any questions they might have. This will take place on Wednesday 9th March at 2pm via Zoom. 

Please register below and details on how to join the meeting will follow.

For further informaion on the vaccine for this age group, please click here

Please note this session will be recorded and made available via the regional Engage site

To register for the session, please click the link below.

Online Survey