Launch of TinyLife – Life at Home Website

TinyLife in partnership with Queens University Belfast, invite you to join them to launch their latest initiative to help parents of premature babies. The resource was developed for parents by parents and health and social care providers working together.

There will be short presentations from Dr Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer and Professor Linda Franck, University of California San Francisco.

The Launch of the Life at Home website will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Time: 10.30am – 12 noon

Venue: Lecture Room 1, Riddel Hall, Queen’s University, Stranmillis Road, Belfast (Parking is available at Riddel Hall)

To RSVP please contact Pauline at TinyLife on tel 02890815050 or

For more information click on the link below:

Invitation to the Launch of the TInyLife – Life at Home website

Engaging young people in North Belfast


The North Belfast Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership with the CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group hosted a youth information session in the youth space of Girdwood Community Hub last month.

The event brought together young people aged 14-18 years and teachers from post primary schools in North Belfast. The event was held to support children, young people and families in North Belfast to develop positive mental health and emotional resilience.


Local service providers attended the event to engage with young people to raise awareness of the support services available locally for young people affected by mental health and emotional wellbeing issues and how they can access services. Organisations included Cara-Friend, Cedar Foundation NI, New Lodge Community Health Partnership, Extern, Lighthouse, the local family support hubs and many more.

A young people’s survey was completed during the event to identify the current needs of young people in North Belfast, to understand the best methods and techniques to engage young people in locality planning in the community and to encourage young people to seek support from local wellbeing services when they are feeling vulnerable.

This report will be made available shortly to inform the priority areas of the CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group.


For further information about the CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group click here


Western Outcomes Area Children and Young People’s Plan now available


Following a series of stakeholder engagement events across the Western Outcomes Area the CYPSP Western Area Outcomes Group Children and Young People’s Plan is now available. The ‘obsessions outlined within the plan have been endorsed by locality planning groups, family support hubs and colleagues working to improve outcomes for children, young people and families across the west.


Click here to download a copy of the Western Area Children and Young People’s Plan


For further information about the CYPSP Western Outcomes Group click here 


Invitation: Launch of the South Eastern Children and Young People’s Plan

The South Eastern Outcomes Group will host a stakeholder engagement event at the end of May to share and embed the new children and young people’s plan for the South Eastern Area. The event will bring outcomes group members together with staff working with children, young people and families from locality planning groups, community planning teams and the wider community.

Event Details:

31 May 2017

1.15pm – 3.30pm

The Great Hall, Downpatrick (see detail attached)

Click here to download the invitation to the South Eastern Outcomes Group Stakeholder Event 


Booking is essential. If you would like to attend this event please contact Loraine Crossett, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust by email at or telephone 028 9250 1312

Note: This is a free event.

Developing emotional resilience of young people at the KEADY KEY Club



The CYPSP Armagh Locality Planning Group with a number of leading partner organisations including the Education Authority and Enable NI established Keady KEY Club in September 2016 to provide a safe and stimulating space for children and young people with an additional need to come together to learn, have fun and development confidence and emotional resilience.
Since September 2016 an additional 21 referrals for children and young people with an additional need from the Armagh area have been made to KEY Club of which has extended the programme to offer support to almost 40 young people.


Following a series of skills development and education sessions with the young people attending KEY Club a residential weekend at Killowen Outdoor Education Centre encouraged young people to get involved in outdoor activities that they previously had not participated in to build confidence and team building skills.


Click here to read more about Keady KEY Club


Contact Us:

For further information  please contact Darren Curtis, Southern Outcomes Area Locality Planner by email at or telephone 028 95 363 216