‘Its Not Alright’ Campaign in the West

The Western Domestic and Sexual Violence Partnership together with CYPSP in the Western Outcomes Area have been working with young people and teachers in post primary schools across the Derry and Strabane locality areas to raise awareness of sexual abuse during ‘sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week’ from 6-12 February 2017.


Over 3,700 post primary pupils took part in the school assembly awareness events. The concept highlighted the dangers of sexting among young people and anticipated changing the ‘fun and harmless’ attitudes to sexting that typically exist among young people.


Click here to read more about the ‘Its Not Alright’ Campaign


For further information please contact Priscilla Magee, Western Area Locality Planner by email: priscilla.magee@westerntrust.hscni.net


“The Place Between” – A Play looking at Mental Health and Suicide through the eyes of our young people.

Developed and created by Prime Cut Productions working with young people from Lighthouse Charity, North Belfast Alternatives, Greater Shankill Alternatives and Hydebank Young Offenders Centre, “The Place Between” looks at Mental Health and Suicide through the eyes of our young people. We hear about the services and support in place and a war that rages to make sense of the world.

The performances are FREE, but it is important that you book tickets (via the links below) to ensure entry to the performances.

The Duncairn Centre – 4th April, 5:30pm – BOOK TICKETS

Greater Shankill Alternatives – 5th April 7:30pm – BOOK TICKETS

The Skainos Centre – 6th April 7:30pm – BOOK TICKETS

For more information click on the link below:

‘The Place Between’ Leaflet

Youth Information Event in North Belfast – 23 March 2017


The CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group are hosting a Youth Information Event to showcase the range of services available for young people across North Belfast and surrounding communities.

Following consultation with youth groups in the local areas a number of thematic priority issues have been chosen that will shape the Youth Information Day:

  • Mental Health & Well Being; 
  • Opportunities and Engagement
  • Safety and Positive Relationships

Download the flyer


Event details:

Date: Thursday 23 March 2017

Time: 10am – 2pm

Venue: Girdwood Community Hub, North Belfast


For further information about the Youth Information Event click here


Contact us:

If you wish to get more information on these workshops or how to book yourself, or your young people in, please email directly, youth.event@ashtoncentre.com


The Incredible Years Programme in Ards and North Down area


The Incredible Years Programme has a number of programmes available for parents, carers and grandparents of children aged 3-6 years. This FREE programme will help you to support your child be the best they can.

This is a five week programme that will provide you with:

  • Positive use of play to support your child’s learning and development
  • Positive support for your child’s reading skills
  • Ways of building your child’s confidence and self esteem in their reading and learning


Read more 


Child Care Partnership: Including Children with Additional Needs event – 30 March 2017


The Child Care Partnership invite you to a FREE event to explore the support and opportunities for caring for children with additional needs. There will be an opportunity to discuss disability rights and children’s rights, inc. Special Education Needs Policy and Practice in action.

At the event we will look at how we create inclusive play environments for children.  Also as practitioners, it will provide space to review how you look after your own wellbeing, as well as the children you care for.


Event details:         

Date: Thursday 30th March 2017

Time:  9.30am – 15.30pm

Venue: Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast


Download the Booking Form


We will be running 4 workshops during the event. You will have the opportunity to attend 2 of your preferred choice. Please select your preferred choices on the booking form.


How to book a place: 

To book a place at this event please complete the attached form and send it to Clover by 17 March 2017 via email to: clover.gabbidon-lyttle@hscni.net


Places are limited; please book early.