ParentLine NI

Children in Northern Ireland and Relate NI have been commissioned by the Health and Social Care Board to deliver a regional parenting helpline. The helpline is called Parentline NI, it is for parents, carers and family members.

ParentLine NI is here for all parents, offering support, guidance or advice, wherever you are on the parenting journey.

Parentline NI is open from 9am to 9pm Monday to Thursday, 9-5pm Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday. Our Service is available through a range of different channels including telephone, face to face and online.

Call us for FREE on: 0808 8020 400

Chat online at

Flyers and posters are available on request, email  

Steps to Cope Project

The Steps to Cope Project has been funded by the National Lottery Community Fund (formerly Big Lottery Fund) Impact of Alcohol Fund from 2014-19. The project is a partnership between ASCERT, Barnardo’s NI, The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and AFInetUK.  Steps to Cope is an intervention for young people aged 11 to 18 affected by parental alcohol/drug misuse (hidden harm) or parental mental health problems.

The project ends in October but, as a legacy they will shortly be launching practical resources for further use across Northern Ireland.  An article on the impact of Steps to Cope has also recently been published in the journal Advances in Mental Health.  Read More and download article….

Consultation – NI Children & Young People’s Plan – New Easy Read Version

The Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Plan is currently out for consultation and ends Friday 30th August 2019. All responses received will be analysed and taken into account.

An easy read version of the 2019-2021 plan is now available to download here. 

A draft version of the 2019-2021 plan is available to download here.

To complete the consultation please visit 


Southern Area Family Support Hubs Celebration Event

The Family Support Hub hosts in the Southern Outcomes Group area, held a celebration event on 22 May, to recognise the support to 3262 families over the last 6 years in their area and also to thank all their partner organisations.

Afternoon tea was served at Ballydougan Pottery, Bleary, Craigavon and Olwen Lyner (CEO NIACRO) welcomed everyone to the event.  Donna Murphy from the SHSCT provided an overview of the success of the Hubs and the links to CYPSP, the Outcomes Group and Locality Planning stressing the importance of early intervention and family support.

Helen Dunn (Regional Co-ordinator Family Support Hubs, CYPSP) gave the regional perspective and congratulated all those present on the tremendous work they had undertaken and commended them on the significant difference they had made to the lives of  families and children in the Southern area.

Deirdre McLaughlin  from Connected for Life reminded everyone on the need for self -care. Jacinta Linden (CEO SPACE ) concluded the afternoon event with some encouraging quotes including ” Lovely venue, good company and very much appreciated by all present! Well done everyone!”

Summer Activities for Children & Young People with a Disability/Additional Needs

A  new resource for parents and staff in relation to summer activities for children and young people with a disability and/or additional needs has been produced through our 6 Locality Planning Groups in the Southern Trust Area.  We invited group members and relevant organisations to give us the dates of summer activities being run across the Southern Trust area, so we can see what is being planned. LPG’s feel it is useful for everyone to know what is happening in their area to avail of summer provision for their child.

Download Directory here – Updated 18 June 2019

We know this is not a definitive list however we have included all of the information submitted to us and we thank those who have contributed.  We will advertise summer activities and schemes for all children and young people in the Southern Trust area in our next two FYI’s, so if you are running a scheme please send through all relevant information (flyers, details of activities etc.) 

Also, we would welcome any feedback from any of you who have secured activities for your child or services who have gained participants as a result of this resource.

Contact:  with any feedback or if you require a copy of the directory or any other information.