Resilience Screening during Feile an Phobail West Belfast Festival 2018


Celebrating their 30th anniversary, the Whiterock Children’s Centre in partnership with the Belfast Childcare Partnership, CYPSP West Belfast Locality Planning Group and Family Support Hubs hosted a screening of “Resilience: the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope” documentary and discussion panel as part of the Féile an Phobail (West Belfast Festival).  Approximately 90 people attended the screening in St Mary’s University College on 2 August to mark the first event of the Féile’s full programme.

Deidre Walsh, Whiterock Children’s Center Manager opened the event by highlighting how needs and issues affecting children, young people and families have changed over the 30 years since the children’s centre first opened its doors and continues to support a wide range of family needs daily.

The one hour documentary, directed by James Redford, looks at the long term impact of childhood trauma and explores the findings of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study and looks at how to address and prevent toxic stress. 

Click here to read more


Contact Us

For more information about this event please contact Una Casey, Business Support Manager and Interim Belfast Locality Planning Officer by email at


Western Outcomes Group launch UNICEF Project at Foyle Maritime Festival!



The Western Outcomes Group in partnership with Derry City and Strabane District Council officially launched their joint partnership Child Friendly Communities Project with UNICEF in July 2018. The event was attended by local young people as well as the Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma and the UNICEF Ambassador, Paul Clark from UTV. The launch saw the beginning of a partnership that will ensure that Derry City and Strabane becomes the first region in Northern Ireland that is a child friendly community based on the UNICEF principals. 

To read more about this project click here


Contact Us

For more information about the UNICEF project click here to download a copy of the UNICEF presentation or alternatively contact Bronagh Donnelly, Western Area Locality Planning Officer, WHSCT by email at


HSCB Market Soundings: The Delivery of Counselling, Education and Research in Surviving Sexual Violence and Abuse Service


The Health & Social Care Board is undertaking a tender for the regional service that supports victims of sexual violence and abuse. This tender configuration exists for the delivery of counselling, public awareness through education and research in surviving sexual violence and abuse. It is envisaged this service, which will be called The Delivery of Counselling, Education and Research in Surviving Sexual Violence and Abuse Service, will be tendered for the period April 2019–2022 and is currently being commissioned by the Health & Social Care Board.

A market sounding meeting will be held on 18th September 2018 in Farset Development Limited, 466 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DW at 10am.

To find out more click here


Footnote: DH & DOJ Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence & Abuse Strategy Action Plan for 2018/19

The Department of Health and Department of Justice have jointly published a 2018/2019 action plan under the Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy. The action plan is the third to be issued under the Strategy and is based on partnership working with the Department of Education, Department for Communities and other statutory, voluntary and community sector colleagues. The plan will identify new initiatives to ensure a continued focus on sexual violence and abuse

Read more


Contact Us:

To make an expression of interest and confirm attendance at the market sounding please email: before the 7th September 2018.  No submissions are required in advance of the market sounding event.  However, interested attendees may submit an organisation profile with their confirmation of attendance. Any profile submitted should not exceed 2 A4 pages.


Play & Challenge – Play Matters Briefing July 2018

The latest Play Matters briefing explores Play and Challenge. Children need the freedom to play how they choose and sometimes this includes taking risks and engaging in risky, challenging play. This briefing paper explores how we, as adults, can support children to test themselves and stretch their limits through play.

Please click on link below to download the latest Play Matters Briefing:

Play & Challenge – Play Matters Briefing July 2018

Childcare Vouchers: Still time to register but take action now!


The Childcare Voucher scheme offers working parents the opportunity to swap part of their pre-tax salary to pay for registered childcare (including breakfast and after school clubs, some holiday schemes, childminders and day nurseries). Two parents using the scheme can save up to £1,866 a year. Parents can join the scheme from when their child is born, and can sacrifice a nominal amount, for example £1, up to £243 per month.

Remember, even if you aren’t paying for childcare now, you may need to do so in the future if your circumstances change. To give yourself the option of using Childcare Vouchers you will need to have joined the scheme before it closes to new entrants.

Those who have temporarily opted out of using Childcare Vouchers, but want to have the option of using the scheme in the future, just need to have made at least one salary sacrifice (even £1 is sufficient) in the 52 weeks before it closes to new entrants. To remain in the scheme, parents need to make at least one salary sacrifice per year.


Anyone interested in joining the scheme, needs to do so now, as it is due to close to new entrants from 4 October.


Childcare Vouchers are an important means of financial support for working parents and Employers For Childcare campaigning to secure the long term provision of the scheme, alongside Tax-Free Childcare, as part of a comprehensive and flexible package of childcare support for working families.  You can support the campaign by lobbying your MP and telling him/her why Childcare Vouchers should be kept open to new entrants – find out how on our website.


Contact Us

For further information on what financial support might be available to you, or to join the Childcare Voucher scheme, contact our Family Benefits Advice Service on 028 9267 8200 or email