SureStart – Learnings from Lockdown: A Parent & Practitioner Perspective

SureStart – Learnings from Lockdown: A Parent & Practitioner Perspective


Please view this 10 minute video the Childcare Partnership have pulled together across a number of Sure Start projects that highlights the fantastic work of Sure Start during the Covid Pandemic. It’s a very inspiring watch as it showcases the positive impact the service has had from a parent’s perspective but also the voice of practitioners in how they adapted to an ever changing environment.  In terms of showing “outcomes” it is a wonderful example of everyone’s efforts to make a real difference to families during such a difficult time. Special thanks goes to the parents from Dungannon, East Belfast and Down Sure Start for taking part and telling their stories.


Please do share with colleagues across your areas of work.




Bolster are excited to launch our brand new service…

AUTISM CONNECT is a person-centred social hub, a safe, creative space for adults with a diagnosis of autism only or awaiting a diagnosis.

Why are we launching this service?


In March 2020, the Southern Health and Social Care Trust commissioned  Bolster Community to co-ordinate a consultation to gain a depth of understanding of the wider social issues relating to autism in adulthood. A series of consultation events ran over twelve months and culminated in the Being Awesome (Autism and Adulthood 2021) conference in March 2021.

Here is a link to this Report:…/being-awesome-report….


Over 700 people with Autism along with parents, carers and professionals participated in the consultation and three clear overarching recommendations emerged:

  1. Community based autism support services focused on adults are urgently needed
  2. A distinct service grounded in the social model of health is needed for adults with autism but without a learning disability or mental health diagnosis and
  3. Support pathways -where navigators can co-ordinate and proactively share information, and provide highly responsive, individualised intervention to strengthen social connections within a community context in the Southern Trust area.


In response to the consultation recommendations, we’ve launched Autism Connect- a community-based support service that will provide a signposting, navigation and social opportunities for adults with an autism only diagnosis.  Would you like more information about this service? Contact Jena at

Child funeral fund: Families in Northern Ireland to receive payments

Child funeral fund: Families in Northern Ireland to receive payments


A new fund to help families in Northern Ireland pay the cost of a funeral following the death of a child will be available from June.

The Child Funeral Fund will offer a one-off payment of £3,056 after the death of a child under 18. The money will also be made available in the event of a still birth after 24 weeks.The fund is not means-tested and will be available to all families regardless of their financial situation. Read more ….

Could you provide a home for a young refugee?

Could you provide a home for a young refugee?

HSC NI Foster Care is appealing for more foster carers and supported lodgings hosts who can provide homes to young refugees who arrive in Northern Ireland without a parent or carer.

In the past year, more than 60 young refugees were received into care, the highest number on record, and it is anticipated that this will rise further.

The majority of young refugees arriving without family are teenagers aged 14-17 and many would like to be cared for in a family setting. Young refugees come from a range of countries such as Eritrea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Sudan. In many cases, these young people are fleeing danger and war, they may have been victims of trafficking or exploitation, or their parent or carer has disappeared. Young refugees need a safe and welcoming home environment where they will receive practical and emotional support and where they can integrate into local communities.

Foster carers look after children of all ages, whereas supported lodgings is a type of semi-independent accommodation where a young person aged 16 or over lives in the home of a host family or individual.

Health Minister Robin Swann, who is supporting the public appeal said: “We can only imagine how traumatic it is for children and young people who arrive in Northern Ireland with no family. It is vital that we increase the numbers of foster carers and supported lodgings hosts available so that we can ensure that the young people in these circumstances get the stability and care they deserve. 

“There is no such thing as a typical carer – foster carers and supported lodgings hosts come from all walks of life. We would encourage anyone who thinks they can open their home to a child or young person to come forward and register their interest.”

The Health Minister recently met Lynsay Lynch, a mother of three who has been fostering a young refugee woman for two years. Lynsay said: “Lola* (*not her real name) arrived in Northern Ireland with no parents or adults to care for her in the hope of finding a better life. I was more than happy to open our home to her.

“It was a new experience for Lola and our family. In the early days finding ways to communicate was a priority as Lola needed time to grasp an understanding of English.

“Two years on she is a vibrant young lady, who appreciates being part of our family, equally she has given so much to us as well. We have learnt about her birth country, culture and food, which are very important to her.”

Catherine Cassidy, Deputy Director, Health & Social Care Board said: “Young refugees living with foster carers or supported lodgings hosts are thriving having had opportunities to experience family life, education, and sports within the local community. 

“It is right that we do all we can to protect young refugees by finding a safe home where they can feel cared for and supported to reach their full potential.”

Najibullah, now 18, arrived in Northern Ireland in September 2019. He said: “I appreciate all the support and opportunities I have received here which has enabled me to study engineering and work as an interpreter.”

Una Carragher, Principal social worker, HSC NI Foster Care said: “HSC NI Foster Care greatly appreciates Lynsay and all families who have come forward to care for young refugees. Najibullah echos the appreciation we hear from the young refugees who have arrived here in Northern Ireland. They appreciate the welcome, care and support they have received. We want to assure anyone who comes forward to care for these young people that we will give them full training and support. We would particularly welcome families from the numerous ethnic minority communities across Northern Ireland. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions. We will be delighted to have a chat with you.”

Enquiries are welcome from people from any race, religion, language, culture, gender, disability, age or sexual orientation.

For more information on becoming a foster carer or supported lodgings host, contact HSC NI Foster Care on 0800 0720 137 or visit

Photo caption

Pictured launching the campaign with Health Minster Robin Swann are Najibullah, now 18 who arrived in Northern Ireland in September 2019 and foster carer Lynsay Lynch.