Southern Area FYI Newsletter – Issue 77

Welcome to the 77th edition of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 77 – 24 February 2022

(Note: FYI will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop up box and click on open file when it appears)

As always, we have a wide range of information and opportunities for practitioners, parents & carers, children and young people, so please share any relevant information you may have and wish to promote.

On the following pages you will see some important information which is very relevant to our work:

  1. The Family Fund Grant which is open to families on low income with a child with a disability or who is seriously ill – Information on how to apply is on Page 3 and submissions need to be received before Tuesday 1st March
  2. The CYPSP’s Draft NI Children & Young People’s Plan 2021-24 – Feedback is welcomed on this, however needs to be submitted before Friday 25th February / tomorrow, so have a read (quickly!) and send your views via the link on Page 4

See you in two weeks for Edition 78!

Joanne Patterson & Darren Curtis, Locality Development Team, Southern Area


Southern Area FYI Newsletter – Issue 76

Welcome to the 76th edition of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information)

FYI Issue 76 – 3 February 2022

(Note: FYI will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop up box and click on open file when it appears)

We have provided a great resource for the upcoming Safer Internet Day 2022 on Tuesday 8th February. The link on Page 3 will take you to a vast array of key resources and information to help us and our children stay safer online. In this issue, we have also included a wide range of parenting support activities run by a number of key organisations who are experts in this field.

As always, feel free to forward this on to colleagues and families with whom you work and if you would like to promote any activities or opportunities in the Southern Trust area, Page 38 gives some pointers on how to do this


Southern Area FYI Newsletter – Issue 75

Welcome to the 75th edition of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).  Another great resource for you to share with colleagues and families with whom you work.

FYI Issue 75 – 20th January 2022

(Note: FYI will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop up box and click on open file when it appears)

On the page before last you will see the dates of our next Locality Planning Groups which give organisations and services the chance to share any relevant information with other local providers. There is also some guidance advice for submitting information to us for future ‘FYI’ editions so, if you wish to send us any information for inclusion, please have a read at this before sending.

Keep your information coming… We are increasing our readership all the time!


Southern Area LPG FYI – 9th December 2021

Welcome to the 73rd edition of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 73 – 9 December 2021

(Note: FYI will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop up box and click on open file when it appears)

On Page 3 you will see an invitation to join us at a Locality Planning Group meeting where members can network, share information and plan for action at a local level on key issues. This is a great opportunity to meet other practitioners in the local area and make important links to benefit children, young people and families you are working with.

This is our last edition of ‘FYI’ before 2022 so we’d like to take this opportunity to wish you seasons greetings, enjoy a much-deserved break and we will see you again in the new year!


Southern Area LPG FYI – 25th November 2021

Welcome to the 72nd edition of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 72 – 26 November 2021

On the first 3 slides you will find some fantastic reports relating to children and young people in Northern Ireland. They have been broken down as much as possible into geographical areas to make them even more relevant to your local area and they help us to further understand the key issues and priorities we need to consider when planning for better outcomes for children and young people.

We also have the usual wide range of opportunities, programmes, training and activities for practitioners, parents/carers, children and young people to avail of.

As always, please share this information to any colleagues or families with whom you work and keep sending us anything you wish to promote.