Issue 106 – Southern Area FYI – 22 June 2023

Welcome to Issue 106 of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

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This is our largest edition of ‘FYI’ on record – A bumper issue containing many summer activities and ideas for families across the Southern Area for July & August.

 It is Alcohol Awareness Week this week and Deafblind Awareness Week next week – See relevant information and resources on pages 44 and 56 relating to these.

Finally, on page 38 you will see the newly-published report of the NI Review of Children’s Social Care Services, as led by Professor Ray Jones – Please have a read of this comprehensive review.

Stay connected!

Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)


Armagh Locality Planning Group: Feel Good Armagh

Friday 9th and Saturday 10th June saw 2 massively successful events to showcase support services in the Armagh locality area. 

On Friday 9th June, 66 services hosted information stalls to highlight support for all ages in the Armagh area.   The event was held at City of Armagh Hotel and funded through Ark and Tringle Housing along with Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council. 


On Saturday 10th June a youth event was held at the EA Youth Service’s Epicentre Youth Centre and open to the 11+ age group. Around 170 young people took part in a wide variety of activities ranging from Arts & Crafts and African Drumming to Boxercise and Dungeons and Dragons.  A total of 22 activities were offered along with free pizza, fruit kebabs and refreshments.  The event was a joint effort from 11 member services of Armagh Locality Planning Group and funded by CYPSP, CiNI, SHSCT and ABC Council.

Both events were agreed at a previous meeting of Armagh LPG to highlight the support services available for all ages in Armagh with a particular emphasis on activities for children and young people.

Issue 105 – Southern Area FYI – 8 June 2023

Welcome to Issue 105 of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 105 

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You will see we have included summer activities at the start of this edition, separating into locality areas for easier access. Please continue to send through any relevant information for our next edition in a fortnight.

Also included in this edition are a number of events, resources and information relating to Volunteers’ and Child Safety Week this week. Next week is Loneliness Awareness, Infant Mental Health and International Mens’ Health Week so we have included relevant information for these too.

Stay connected and keep updated!

Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)

Summer is Coming! – Promote Your 2023 Summer Activities

Summer activities continue to play a vital role in helping children, young people and families to reconnect with programmes, groups and friends. Participation has also been proven to help maintain good emotional and physical wellbeing.

Each year, we aim to provide timely, useful information for parents & caregivers, children, young people and workers who are searching for activities for their children/clients to participate in during the months of July & August. We have previously released a stand-alone resource covering all of the Southern Trust Area, however this year we are incorporating this information into our June editions of ‘FYI’, the next of which will circulate on Thursday 22nd June 2023.

We invite you to submit any relevant information on summer activities which your organisation or group will be running this summer, or alternatively any schemes you may know of, so we can once again showcase the great range of opportunities available across the Southern Trust Area.

This year we are not asking members to complete a template, but instead to send us any flyers which can be directly inserted into ‘FYI’. If you are unable to obtain any artwork, do still please contact us with details of activities in good time.

Send your summer activities flyer(s) to by Tuesday 20th June 2023.


Issue 104 – Southern Area FYI – 25 May 2023

Welcome to Issue 104 of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 104 

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As promised, we are including summer activities for the Southern Area in this edition of the newsletter. We are aware that more activities are likely to be confirmed within the next couple of weeks, so please see Page 3 for further details on how to send us your relevant summer activities information for the next issue of ‘FYI’.

We are also delighted to let you know that we have recently released the “Your Journey Through Disability” Guide to help support families with a child with a disability. Access the download link on Page 12 and please share this practical resource widely with families and colleagues accordingly.

Stay connected and keep updated!

Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)