Engaging young people in North Belfast


The North Belfast Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership with the CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group hosted a youth information session in the youth space of Girdwood Community Hub last month.

The event brought together young people aged 14-18 years and teachers from post primary schools in North Belfast. The event was held to support children, young people and families in North Belfast to develop positive mental health and emotional resilience.


Local service providers attended the event to engage with young people to raise awareness of the support services available locally for young people affected by mental health and emotional wellbeing issues and how they can access services. Organisations included Cara-Friend, Cedar Foundation NI, New Lodge Community Health Partnership, Extern, Lighthouse, the local family support hubs and many more.

A young people’s survey was completed during the event to identify the current needs of young people in North Belfast, to understand the best methods and techniques to engage young people in locality planning in the community and to encourage young people to seek support from local wellbeing services when they are feeling vulnerable.

This report will be made available shortly to inform the priority areas of the CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group.


For further information about the CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group click here https://cypsp.hscni.net/locality-planning-groups/north-belfast-locality-planning-group/


Youth Information Event in North Belfast – 23 March 2017


The CYPSP North Belfast Locality Planning Group are hosting a Youth Information Event to showcase the range of services available for young people across North Belfast and surrounding communities.

Following consultation with youth groups in the local areas a number of thematic priority issues have been chosen that will shape the Youth Information Day:

  • Mental Health & Well Being; 
  • Opportunities and Engagement
  • Safety and Positive Relationships

Download the flyer


Event details:

Date: Thursday 23 March 2017

Time: 10am – 2pm

Venue: Girdwood Community Hub, North Belfast


For further information about the Youth Information Event click here


Contact us:

If you wish to get more information on these workshops or how to book yourself, or your young people in, please email directly, youth.event@ashtoncentre.com


Raising awareness of disability support services in Belfast

Parents and carers of children and young people with a disability or additional needs from across Northern Ireland recently attended an information support day at the Girdwood Community Hub in Belfast.

The free event was organised by the Family Fund in partnership with the Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) North and West Belfast Locality Planning Groups. The event was supported over thirty family support organisations who attended the event and shared information about the services they offer to support families in need including Sure Start, Carers NI, Tiny Life, Libraries NI, Extern and many more.

Download Press Release

North Belfast Locality Planning Workshop

North Belfast Locality Planning Workshop

March 2014

Over 30 members of the North Belfast Locality Planning Group and young people came together, on 11 March in the Duncairn Arts and Culture Centre, for an action planning workshop. The workshop combined the use of open space technology and outcomes based planning to encourage members of the group to identify any issues, outcomes and actions around the theme of the workshop which was “What outcomes do you want to see for the children, young people and families in North Belfast”, and from this develop the Locality Planning Group’s Action Plan.  If you provide a service for children, young people or families in the North Belfast area and are interested in getting involved in Locality Planning please contact Una Casey on 028 2531 1224 or email una.casey@hscni.net.  If you would like to read more about the North Belfast Locality Group please click here…