On 5 July 2022, the Upper Springfield/Whiterock Family Support Hub were delighted to welcome Prof Ray Jones – Emeritus Professor of Social Work at Kington University and St George’s, University of London and a registered Social Worker.
It was an amazing opportunity for some of the families and services providers in the Upper Springfield/Whiterock lead body organsiation – the Whiterock Children’s Centre to speak with Prof Jones who has over 50 years experience in social care and as a Social Work Practitioner, manager, teacher and researcher and in 2022 appointed to undertake the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care in North of Ireland.
Over the last 50+ years Prof Jones has been involved in an advisory capacity on a range of issues, inquiries, written books and research and has a wealth of experience and accomplishments to date.
Prof Jones’ visit to Whiterock Children’s Centre was a wonderful opportunity for families, service providers and Upper Springfeld/Whiterock Hub and lead organisations to give an insight into the diverse range of services and partners that come together to help make an amazing Hub!.
Upper Springfield/Whiterock Hub mantra – “we are only as good as those services around the table” is something that the Hub feel strongly about and they have continued to build upon from when the Hub was established in 2014.
The morning discussion focused on the strength in service providers coming together and working together – community, statutory and voluntary to provide the best possible bespoke support to suit the needs of each family how contact Upper Springfield/Whiterock Family Support Hub.
Families also spoke at length about the Upper Springfield/Whiterock Family Support Hub, the level of support and services provided by the core and associate members and how such support made a huge difference in their lives as a family. Such experiences noted included help with social isolation, integration into new area/community, practical support, counselling, emotional and behavioural support for adults and children, help for those families awaiting assessment etc.
For the Hub, it was a humbling experience to hear just how such services have helped some of their families and the Hub were hugely grateful that families took time to note their own personal experiences in such an open forum. At times it was very moving meeting and a privilege for Hub staff/service providers to hear some of the individual experiences from those present.
Hub staff and service providers look forward to reading the independent review and will continue to build upon the good work of the Upper Springfield/Whiterock Family Support Hub in the time ahead, as they are only too aware that families need such Family Support Hubs and it is likely that the demand will only increase in the months ahead.