On 24 June 2022 the CYPSP Support Team, Family Support Hub (Hub) Coordinators, Hub members and other integral Partners came together for the first time since 2018, to reflect on and celebrate the work of the Hubs with particular focus on the work of the Hubs and members during the pandemic.
The day also provided an opportunity for Bronwyn Campbell to meet Hub Coordinators in person for the first time since taking up the role of Regional Family Support Hub Coordinator within the Health & Social Care Board (now SPPG/DoH) at the beginning of January 2022.
Aidan Dawson, Chief Executive of the Public Health Agency and CYPSP Chairperson, opened the event, reflecting on the achievements of the Hubs.
Valerie Maxwell (Children’s Services Planning & Information Manager, SPPG/DoH) presented an animated video summarising the 2021/22 Annual Report, before Bronwyn Campbell addressed the Coordinators.
Presentations followed from Coordinators and Hub members – Lisa Grant (Craigavon & Portadown Hub), Alison Slater (Newry Hub), Joanne McCourt (Belfast Central Mission), Claire Larkin (Northern Area Hubs) and Sharon Nelson (Springfield & Whiterock Hub) who showcased how they adapted and changed their services in creative ways to enabled them to continue to meet the needs of the families and young people despite lockdown.
James Gallagher from Lifeline gave a fantastic presentation on “Caring for the Caregiver” and Eugene Mone from Barnardo’s brought along the Sensory Overload Virtual Reality Experience, a really powerful and thought provoking piece of work.
After a group exercise facilitated by Maxine Gibson (Children’s Services Planning Professional Advisor, SPPG/DoH) looking at what Coordinators seen as the challenges facing the Hubs in the next 12 months and how to rise to these challenges, the event was brought to a close by Maurice Leeson (Programme Manager Partnerships, Emotional Health & Wellbeing, CAMHS and Disability, SPPG/DoH). This was particularly fitting given that Maurice played such a central role in the establishment of the Hub Network.