Needs Assessment for all Newcomer BME Groups to the Southern Trust Area

Locality Planning Groups in the Southern area are working with the Southern Outcomes Group to carry out a Needs Assessment for all Newcomer BME groups to the area.  The area has seen a growing number of Newcomer families in recent years, including most recently Roma families to areas such as Newtownhamilton, Armagh, Keady, Newry and Lurgan. 

Services are working together to respond to emerging needs in areas such as housing, employment, education, health and community relations.  There are currently 2 Interagency Groups for the Roma community in Armagh and Newry, and some very effective work by member organisations to provide advice and support in a number of communities, however there is a need to collate all information and statistics on demographics, resources, barriers and opportunities to further support all Newcomer communities.


The Needs Assessment aims to map all the existing statistics and information on demographics, and to highlight challenges faced both by the communities themselves as well as services and organisations in the statutory, voluntary, community and faith sectors.  It will address themes such as Health, Housing, Education, Employment, Policing and Justice, Advice services and Community Relations and will include Recommendations for further work by both the CYPSP Southern Outcomes Group and Locality Planning Groups, as well as for services in the local area.


They are keen to learn of similar work across Northern Ireland and to speak with anyone working in the Southern Trust area who can help us in this valuable piece of work.


Please contact Darren Curtis, Locality Development Officer on for further information.


Southern Area LPGs Newsletter FYI 5 December 2019

Welcome to the 21st edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information). Thank you for your continued interest and support of our fortnightly e-bulletin and please do not hesitate to contact us, should you wish us to promote any events, programmes, etc. which aim to improve outcomes for children and young people in your local area.

Southern Area LPGs Newsletter FYI 5 December 2019

Southern Area LPGs Newsletter FYI 21st November 2019

Welcome to the 20th edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).Thank you for your continued interest and support of our fortnightly e-bulletin and please do not hesitate to contact us, should you wish us to promote any events, programmes, etc. which aim to improve outcomes for children and young people in your local area.

Southern Area LPGs Newsletter FYI Issue 20 – 21st November 2019

Southern Area LPG Information Bulletin FYI Issue 15 12th September 2019

Welcome to the 15th edition of our information bulletin FYI (for Your Information).  We are seeing an increase in submitted information to share events, activities and programmes in the Southern Trust area and are delighted to advertise them.

Southern Area LPG Issue 15 – 12th September 2019