Southern Area LPG Newsletter – Jan 19 Events and Programmes

Welcome to our new way of sharing information on the great work of services and organisations aiming to improve outcomes for children,young people and families in the Southern HSC Trust Area.
These newsletters are collated and shared through the Locality Planning Groups (LPGs) as part of the Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP). 

Download Newsletter here

One of our key functions is to share information given to us by both LPG members and others which aim to improve your contacts,participation, engagement and connections in the area.This is a great way for you to advertise events, opportunities,programmes and initiatives. Please send us your relevant flyers,announcements and information, which we will share with around 600 contacts in the area. We aim to send these, by e-mail, on alternate Thursday afternoons.

For general newsletter information, contact:
Tel: Darren Curtis (028 9536 3966) / Joanne Patterson (028 9536 3216)
CYPSP, 2nd Floor, Health & Social Care Board, Tower Hill, Armagh. BT61 9DR

Newry Disability Inclusion Workshop


The Newry Locality Planning Group hosted a workshop in May for services and organisations in the local area to come together and share good practice on how agencies are shaping their services around children and young people with a disability to ensure the inclusiveness of all children.


The Newry Locality Planning Group’s Disability Sub Group hosted a workshop on 24 May at Newry Youth Resource Centre for agencies to further the agenda on how they can best support children and young people with a disability.

The workshop was attended by twenty seven people and a full day’s programme commenced with a speed networking session where 150 new contacts were made by participants.  Participants then learnt of good practice within the Southern HSC Trust area with presentations from the Southern HSC Trust Transition Service, Confederation of Community Groups and Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.  Further good practice was shared by participants to recognise the existing innovative work that is being delivered in the local area.



The workshop culminated in a brief overview of Outcomes Based Accountability by Nicola Doran of SAIL, which seamlessly transitioned into a Turning the Curve exercise which provided a wide and varied list of actions for the Newry LPG to progress under the theme of disability.


Contact Us:

To find out more about this workshop and the role of the Newry Locality Planning Group contact:

Darren Curtis, Southern Area Locality Planning Officer by email at or telephone 028 95 363966


Disability Inclusion Workshop – Newry LPG

Newry Locality Planning Group are hosting a Disability inclusion Workshop at Newry Youth Resource Centre on Thursday 24th May 9.30 am – 4pm. The aim of the day is to identify current provision in the Newry LPG area for children and young people with a disability and/or additional needs, including family support, and to identify barriers to participation. This will help identify priorities and actions for the Newry LPG and further direction of its work …….. Download Flyer

RSVP to Darren Curtis, Locality Development Officer on or 07725232566

Supporting World Mental Health Day at the Young Minds Matter Conference in Newry


350 young men from the Newry area were brought together this week to learn about the importance of maintaining good mental health and wellbeing, and how to become more resilient to stress.

View video of the day here

Young men from local post primary schools aged between 12 to 14 years from 13 local schools participated in a range of workshops and sessions on masculinity and gender, cyber safety, drumming, mindfulness and yoga.

Jacinta Linden, Chair of the CYPSP Newry Locality Group stated “The Young Minds Matter” conference shone a light on the many services and agencies working to support positive health and wellbeing throughout the Newry, Mourne and Down area. Both students and teachers had the opportunity to meet with service providers and hear from leading experts on keeping safe and keeping well. It is an absolute privilege to be part of delivering this conference. As a result of this event, we hope that the boys and teachers feel better connected, and informed about support networks available but most importantly we hope that all of the participants have fun and enjoy the conference”.


Read more about the Young Minds Matter Conference by clicking here


Contact Us:

For further information about the work of CYPSP please visit or contact Darren Curtis via email or telephone 028 9536 3216